MYO Meet the Requirements?

Discord - DeviantartWorld

Does Your MYO Meet the Requirements?

Here’s a checklist of things to watch out for to get your MYO approved faster


  • Do all the crystal and horns (if any) match?
  • Is your Gumilite missing a forehead gem?
  • Are any of the gems and horns black? If so you better change it! Gems, crystals, and horns are not allowed to be black or have black in it!
  • Does all the cosmic material on your Gumilite match?
  • Does your Gumilite have cosmic material on their paws?
  • Does your Gumilite have a raised crystal cluster on their butt? Are the butt crystal’s their? (Do not confuse the Kaimi and Veilite butt crystals with Gumilite butt crystals!)
  • Does your Gumilite have any black in the cosmic material? If so you better change it! There should be no black within the cosmic material!


  • Coming soon…


  • Coming soon…


  • Coming soon…


  • Coming soon…