

Jellyum’s magic can be broken down into several categories. Elemental, Physical, Mental, and Spacial. Common and Uncommon Jellyum may have one type of magic within their rarity from one of the categories of magic. Rares may choose a power from two categories of magic, and Legendaries may have a power from each category (multiple from the physical count as one legendary physical). All Jellyum have the power of languages naturally, any human or non human language can be understood, written and spoken.

Elemental Magic

covers all of the natural elements. Those being; Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Light and Dark. Elemental magic users will typically have one to three types of magic, but on rare occasions they can have more. It is especially rare to have access to opposing elements. Those being Air and Earth, Water and Fire, Light and Dark. A typical three element caster will be able to use Air, Water, and Light or Earth, Fire, and Dark. The elements can work however you would like for your individual Jellyum, but Light will always heal, and Dark will damage.

Rarity Breakdown:
  • Common: 1-3 elements of complementary elements. Ex: Air + water + light
  • Uncommon: 1-3 elements of non complementary but non opposing elements. Ex: Air + water + Dark
  • Rare: 1-3 elements of opposing elements. Ex: Water + Fire + any
  • Legendary: Access to all elements.

Physical Magic

is used to enhance the physical body of the Jellyum, or change it in some way.

Rarity Breakdown:
  • Common: Physical enhancements such as greater strength, speed, and durability.
  • Uncommon: Physical composition changes such as changing the skin or jelly into other materials.
  • Rare: Shape changing such as shape shifting.
  • Legendary: Multiple of the above.

Mental Magic

is any kind of magic that makes one’s own mind affect the outside world.

Rarity Breakdown:
  • Common: Telekinesis, moving objects with your mind.
  • Uncommon: Object creation, the ability to picture something in your mind so vividly, that it becomes a real object in the world. Objects can only be twice the size of the Jellyum or smaller, and are never living creatures.
  • Rare: Mind reading, the ability to see the thoughts of others and send your thoughts to them. Weaker versions require physical contact.
  • Legendary: Mind Control, taking over a living thing’s mind.

Spacial Magic

is the most important to the Jellyum, but also the least understood. It has effects on the space around a Jellyum, or space and time itself.

Rarity Breakdown:
  • Common: Item Box, creates a pocket dimension where you can store things. Those with better control have more space, and even halt the time of the objects in their pocket.
  • Uncommon: Teleportation, allows for the user and those they are touching to instantly be somewhere else. Those with less control can only go places they’ve seen, and those with better control can go places even if they’ve only imagined them. Works only on the current planet the Jellyum is on.
  • Rare: Time manipulation, allows the user to manipulate time. This can be sending themselves forward or backwards in time, or adding and removing time from someone or something (making it like new or old and worn). A weaker version of this would be seeing into the future and or past, but not being able to physically go there.
  • Legendary: Portal Magic, the ability to create portals to transport people between spaces, worlds, or even dimensions.