Roleplay Threads

Location Log (for submitting character locations or getting location ideas for roleplays.)No need to use this if you don’t care to input locations, as it’s not required to use a location on the location log in order to roleplay, it’s just an optional place if you think it would help to have things on there.
This is a short example I typed up following the guidelines below. Stuff doesnt need to be followed to a T, but it might help if it is.
The name for your thread should be one with an openness tag, (see tagging system below,) the name of your location, and the date the roleplay has started.
The location does not need to be an existing location on the location log,nor does it need to be specific. If you want your roleplay to be named “[O] Cafe 16/02/24” or “[C] Forest 16/02/24”, be my guest.The date should be written in a DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY format (think 16/02/24 or 16/02/2024). USAmericans may be most used to MM/DD/YY, but I think day/month/year might be more internationally used?
Thread names are limited to 50 characters, so if you cant fit the whole name within the title, you can add that + additional context in the description.
The tag would be used to let others know whether or not they can hop in or just spectate, the location just sets the basic scene, and the date would mostly be used to tell roleplays in the same location apart.
The description for the initial thread post should be relatively short, preferably NOT a roleplay starter, but instead a brief description of the setting or anything you think might be important.
The reason I recommend not making the initial post a roleplay starter, especially if you write a lot, is because it'll show at the top of the page for every page in the thread, and it could become confusing or annoying.
Possible settings could include weather conditions, seasons, times of day, or other things that would be both brief and easy to scroll through. Including additional info like characters within the location or the writing style preferred can also be here. If you’re starting a CLOSED ROLEPLAY, it’d be smartest to tag or list any of the predetermined participants in the initial description to prevent confusion.
The thread creator can change the tag on their roleplay at any time, don’t feel confined to one or the other!
[O]: This roleplay is open for anyone to join.Example: You might use this if youre making a thread with a starter and you dont have a plan with anyone else so far!
[C]: This roleplay is closed outside of predetermined participants.Example: You might use this if youve already set up a plan with someone and youre making a thread for that!
[A]: This roleplay might be accepting new parties, youve just got to ask them.Example: You might use this if you could want more people in the roleplay, but you dont want them coming in at inopportune moments.
[F]: This roleplay has been finished/otherwise concluded. Now its just a readable thread!Example: You might use this after the roleplay involving the specific setting/circumstances youve used has ended.