Drakhnid Culture

Drakhnid Currency
The trusty Drakhma or Drakhme for pural (pronounced drak-muh | drak-me for pural). The primary currency Drakhnid use in day to day life.
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Drakhnid Culture
Drakhnids have their own settlements and countries, each with their own name and story to tell. Drakhnids do no have any sort of rulership like kings, queens or mayors or any political title. They do have 1 or more Draks they call 'Watchers' who are voted by the population of the Draks of that settlement. These Watchers in a way are guards but are strong and open to help any of the Draks who reside in the area.

Drakhnids have a foundation of gods, goddesses and deities that most do worship in some way, even if not to a dedicated degree. But all have their own believes and practices they do as these deities helped shape the world they live in their day to day lives.

With these foundations of deities there is plenty of celebrations and events Draks hold, specially plenty of different types of feasts and festivals. Draks have a huge belief in the afterlife, and it's common for there to be a feast for the deceased.