Planet/World Description
Osypso is a planet much like Earth, but technological advancement has skyrocketed. Multiple cities have gone to ruin, most of the population has moved to eight larger cities across the planet, making most of it abandoned and grown-over. The now highly populated cities run effectively as countries with their own presidents (or rulers of the like) and different styles of techhnology and its uses.

Themed Music
We Can Build a Fire - Autoheart
Atlanta Girls - Trash Panda
Fail! - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Robbing Banks - Autoheart

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Autoheart's music
Skyward by Brandon Sanderson
That feeling you get when you walk into a really fancy target in a different city and you're like 'this is a whole different planet i am on right now'
!wip! Sci-fi Fantasy Comic


Osypso Is a three-parter comic surrounding the tech company Isolate and the many (many) problems it tends to cause. We begin with Psyche, then The Icarus Project, then Heracles.

Psyche surrounds Kanapi Remine and Morwille 5-3, Kanapi is a professional ballerina who finds an illegal android backstage. Finding Morwille 5-3 sparks her story/mission to discover why certain technologies has become illegal and to convince the people in charge that it doesn't need to be. Kanapi discovers that relying too heavily on technology can become a hinderance, and ruin what makes you human. The story ends with Kanapi shutting Morwille 5-3 down for good.

The Icarus Project surrounds Reis, Jaickse, and Tare as they go through the Icarus Project Flight Program, a project made to train pilots to search the stars for a new habitable planet. It's become common knowledge that Osypso is dying, and fast, but tech company Isolate has come up with The Icarus Project as a solution. Reis, Jaickse, and Tare soon learn that something doesn't quite add up.. Isolate lied about Osypo dying to forge a planet-wide search of the universe for illegal technology that was sent out into space as a way of protecting Osypso from it. Reis and Jaickse learn they need to spread awareness across the planet of Isolate's plan, and stop the project before Isolate gets too close to their goal. The story ends with Isolate's CEO behind bars, a new CEO being introduced, and our main characters on the news.

Heracles surrounds college student Azalea and her college friends, Arlie and Hale, as they sign up for an extra-credit scientific experiment lead by Isolate. The experiment's goal is to create a 'superhuman', or a modern day Heracles. Arlie undergoes the experiment first, but comes out changed. After Arlie's experiment was an almost success, Hale undergoes a similar experiment. Azalea mourns her friends, after their respective experiments they no longer remember her or their past selves, and Azalea brings it upon herself to not only fix them, but bring justice for what was done to her friends. She discovers other company secrets, hacks into their computers, causes a real stink. The story ends with her friends unable to be fixed, but Azalea reminding them of who they once were and they slowly begin to remember. The story ends with Isolate getting shut down for good.



  • Isolate is founded

    Many new tech companies have begun to form, and with them Isolate is introduced to Osypso. Think of Isolate as today's Apple, and soon becomes our NASA and Apple combined, and also incredibly powerful with a lot of sway in current happenings. It's a very large, well renowned company.

Dec 22, 3073

  • Isolate introduces new technology

    Technological advancements inside Isolate have been growing, but the current CEO decides against releasing to the public. One scientist in particular creates his own special kind of technology, one farther advanced than anything introduced to Osypso to date. After 20 years of his creations have been created but not introduced to the public, the CEO dies unexpectedly, forcing a new CEO to take his place. This new CEO introduces the 20 years worth of advancements to Osypso all at once, not fully understanding what exactly it was he was putting into the world.

Jul 12, 3089

  • New technologies become illegal

    After the technological advancements that were introduced became difficult to control, Isolate's CEO decides to "take it back" of sorts and make its use illegal. This sparks a planet-wide mandate to hand in these technologies, and report anyone seen using them. Isolate also tracked what they could and put everything they gathered into several bunkers (it's a LOT), and the most dangerous items were sent out into space so they can't be found or used again. The scientist who created them disappeared mysteriously, never to be heard from again.

DEC 16, 3094

  • Morwille is shut down

    Kanapi gains a newfound understanding for why this technology has become illegal, and decides she must make what she can right. Psyche ends on the reflection on Morwille's face, of a tear running down Kanapi's face as she turns him off for good

AUG 23, 3740

  • Isolate discovers Osypso is dying

    Isolate sets up a press conference to the public, stating they've discovered that the planet is quickly dying. Osypso has begun to slow its orbit, and soon the planet will no longer be able to continue its orbit around the sun. Isolate launches "The Orbit Program," tethering several turbines to the planet reaching out into space to continue Osypso's orbit until a better solution can be found.

JAN 04, 3741

  • "The Icarus Project" is launched

    As a solution to Osypso's inability to continue its orbit, Isolate has launched "The Icarus Project," a project set out to train a slew of new pilots to launch into space in search for a habitable planet for Osypso's population to relocate to. Close to every school begins to train its students to become these pilots before they go through the screening process, and then they are shipped off to Station 5 in space where they train until they are ready to begin their search.

OCT 13, 3743

  • The Icarus Project takes place

    Reis Gates, Jaickse, and Tare are three pilots who have just begun their training on Station 5. They progress quickly, become good friends, and even better pilots. Reis is the first to feel as though someething doesn't quite add up with the Orbit Program and the introduction of the Icarus Project, and begins to research on her own time. Reis and Tare are offered positions to move up to Station 6 and become the pilots that are sent out, but are also given a terrible secret: Osypso isn't dying. Isolate is training these pilots to search for caches of incredibly advanced technologies that were sent out many years before in order to save Osypso from something it wasn't ready for. Reis abandons Station 5 and heads straight home to share what she's discovered, while Tare accepts the opportunity eagerly. Reis and Jaickse appear on the news, and Isolate's CEO is arrested, as well as the pilots who progressed to Station 6 and protected Isolate's lie.

FEB 20, 3999

  • Azalea and friends sign up for the Heracles Experiment

    Azalea Mannings and her college buddies, Arlie and Hale, sign up for an experiment lead by Isolate named "The Heracles Experiment" to get a little pocket money. The scientists inform them that it'll take a bit for the experiment to get going, and in that time the experiment changes entirely from what Azalea and co signed up for. It changes from a simple study and treatment experiment to a full blown operation, an experiment to create the ultimate "superhuman," someone much like Heracles in greek mythology.

JAN 30, 4000

  • Heracles takes place

    Azalea and co are informed that the experiment is now moving forward and they're the only people that signed up to it. They're informed of some of the changes, none of which raise any Real red flags, and decide to go forward with it. Arlie undergoes the experimental operation first, and comes out significantly different. She no longer remembers her friends, and has superuman strength and can levitate a few inches off the ground. The laboratory has renamed Arlie as "Heracles" and states she's the first subject to really take to the experiment. However, Heracles isn't perfect. Hale undergoes an operation next, and comes out similarly with a few notable changes. He seems to be able to manipulate fire, can almost fly, and is incredibly strong. He also has no recollection of his friends or his former life. The laboratory renames him "Prometheus" and states he's the subject they've been waiting for. Azalea isn't so happy with the results of the experiment, and struggles to get her friends to recognize her. They are unphased. Azalea hacks into the laboratory's computer system in order to find a way to revse the experiment, and comes up blank. She's caught and banned from entering the facility again. Azalea sneaks in one night and sets the place ablaze, causing a massive fire that destroys all of the information and work inside. Isolate gets shut down when the public discovers what was going on inside the lab from ongoing investigations, we end on Heracles and Prometheus struggling to remember Azalea and her desperately trying to get them to remember their lives before the experiment.

MAR 24, 4001

  • Isolate is shut down

    Azalea sneaks into Isolate on night and sets the place ablaze, causing a massive fire that destroys all of the information and work inside. Isolate gets shut down when the public discovers what was going on inside the lab from ongoing investigations, we end on Heracles and Prometheus struggling to remember Azalea and her desperately trying to get them to remember their lives before the experiment.

Osypso's Major Cities
Avigo Avigo is a proud city, populating over 10 million, and focuses on anti-gravitational technology. The common techno colors are purple and pink, and the residents tend to dress in similar colors. The current Avigo trends are colorfully and intricately braided hair, colorful eyeshadow without liner or mascara, and layered clothing covering the entire body. Many artists come from Avigo, and they like to boast about the creativity and advancements of the city. Avigo mainly prides itself on its anti-grav railway, floating trains taking residents all over the city and covering the city in bight purple streaks of light.
Eveka Eveka is one of the largest cities on Osypo, populating over 11 million people, and focuses mainly on holograms and techno implants. Most residents have chip implants in their brains or forearms containing their mobile phone systems and display holograms before their eyes to communicate with friends and family. The common techno colors are green and yellow, and residents tend to dress in similar colors. The current Eveka trends are short blunt hairstyles, short layers that reveal shoulders and stomachs, and sharp eyeliner or makeup looks. Eveka prides itself on its large hologram in the cery middle of the city, somewhat like a city statue, flashing between multiple different celebrities, people of power, and staying the longest on a hologram of their city's president.
Kophis Kophis is a smaller city on Osypso, populating about 5.5 million and only holding a few technological wonders compared to the other cities on the planet. Kophis focuses mainly on its impressive 3D screen technology, able to combine hologram and physical screens to create the ultimate 3D experience. You haven't experienced a movie until you've been to a Kophis theater. The common techno colors are orange and red, and residents tend to dress similarly. The current Kophis trends are a little old fashioned, natural colored hair grown out long and sensibly, simple clothing in the city colors, and big boots that reach up to the knee. Makeup is minimal but brightly colored. Kophis prides itself on, you guessed it, its breathtaking theater experiences and 3D technology. One grand theater specifcally holds the largest 3D screen on the planet with suround sound, and shows movies specifically that include the audience for the full immersive experience.
Sille Sille is the third largest city on the planet, populating 9.5 million people and focuses on robotic advances and artificial intelligence, most stores are fully handled by robots and it's common to see them zooming around the city on errands for their owners. The common techno colors are blue and indigo, and residents tend to dress in similar colors. Common Sille trends are to somewhat copy the "robot" look, seam lines are commonly tattooed around joints and some people wear wires attached to their devices to have that computer-like appearance. Makeup is mainly black and blue in sharp lines and angles, hair cut short or shaved completely, and clothes are either blue or white with black accents. Sille prides itself on their rail system that, unlike Avigo's, is operated entirely by artificial intelligence. Although the railway isn't anti-gravitational, it is widespread across the entire city and glows a pretty blue across the streets at nighttime.

Commonly Used Tech
Holographic communicationsMost of Eveka's residents have implanted chips in their forearms or minds that can project holograms to communicate, but most people on Osypso use a small block for their communcations, much like a phone. The block also projects holograms of whomever they're communicating with, but it isn't an implant and is slightly less convenient.
Hoverboards Avigo first created them, but hoverboards became such a widespread trend across the city that most everywhere else wanted a piece of the actioin. Most people who don't own a transportation vehicle or use a railway go everywhere on hoverboard, which uses anti-gravitational technology to hover a foot above the ground and keep its rider on the board until it's safely in place for them to step off.
Block Keys Osypso's population has mostly converted to "block keys," or a special chip inside a person's block that allows them access to their home, their vehicle, or other amenities that they have authorization to use. Simply wave your block in front of the automated doorway or console and it will open up/start up for you! Users can also temporarily authorize friends and family to use their amenities.

Planetary Dangers
Abandoned Cities Before the mass planetary population moved to 8 main cities, Osypso was populated by billions of cities worldwide. Over the years those old cities have become lost and abandoned, commonly overgrown by local fauna. Few people go back to those abandoned "Old Cities" and outlying buildings, besides gangs or groups who have sworn off the technological advancements that most of Osypso runs on.
Old City Gangs and Groups If you were to travel from one city to another, you should expect to pass through or by the abandoned "Old Cities," where gangs of people who live without technology tend to reside. Some believe technology to be demonic, or some just believe its gone too far. Most people avoid the Old Cities as much as possible in fear of getting tangled up with these groups.
Poison Fauna Many plants on Osypso that grow wild tend to be poisonous or harmful to the passerby. Leaving the beaten paths or wandering off the specified railway stops is highly discouraged as the planet's fauna hasn't been regulated besides in and around the main cities. Stinging nettles, poison thistle, and other harful plants seem innocent but can lead to worsening conditions and/or death.
Dangerous Wildlife Again, it is discouraged to wander outside of specified roads and stops outside of the cities. Wild animals roam the overgrown Old Cities and surrounding areas, and can be wary of passersby.



Zaithum Metal
Linc Spice
Wild Animal Furs
Wood and Plant Fibers

Nature Appreciation Day Because most of the population relies so heaily on technology, once a year most tech companies shut down and encourage the population to visit city parks, or just take the day off. It's also highly encouraged to donate to nature preservation nonprofits and to city park officials :) Most people just take the day off and share pictures of their favorite flowers though.
Moving Day Planetwide celebrations of the day the leaders and officials of Osypso deiceded to combine cities and live in massive populations to better the life of the planet's population! Most agree that the quality of life has been much better since then, and the planet likes to celebrate by taking the day off of work and encouraging parties, celebrations, and parades across all eight cities! Every three years Avigo does a planet-wide parade, using their anti-gravitational technology to gently carry the parade across the planet and celebrate. This parade usually lasts about a week for travel time, and it's the longest and happiest celebration on Osypo
Voting Day Five out of eight cities use a capitalist system, and they all have the same day every six years to vote on their next presidents. The socialist and monarchy cities don't really love or celebrate Voting Day, but the other five take the day off to vote and get into heated arguments with their neighbors and estranged family members.

Flora and Fauna
Pino Flowers Gorgeous red and orange pointed petals surround a white center. The stems and leaves are a deep maroon/red, and giving a Pino flower to someone is commonly accepted as a declaration of love.
Veta Plant Veta plants are commonly used in medicines and to treat sunburns. It's practically Aloe Vera. :)
Sipsi Trees Tall and skinny white trunks extend up into branches with large deep green leaves, and the odd purple leaf. Very few Sipsi trees are almost entirely purple, but the few that are are often visited and are often used for couples to propose to eachother under.
Orgo Berries Bright orange berries surrounded by yellow leaves and stalks, Orgo berries are tangy and used in several sauces and a few desserts. Their seeds can be toxic if you eat too many, so the de-seeding process must be long and meticulous.

Keefers Large and green cat-like animals with jaws that unhinge for the ultimate intimidation tactic, Keefers are not the kind of animal you want to get caught alone with. They have long snake-like tails that can trip most who aren't paying attention, and their claws are sharp and deadly. Keefers populate the Old Cities and outside the Main Cities' borders.
Snitchers Small, almost pidgeon-like birds with lilac wings and deep purple bellies, Snitchers like to copy whatever they hear people say and repeat it non-stop. Snitchers populate the outskirts of the Main Cities, and almost everywhere else.
Hitchie Dogs Hitchie Dogs are medium to large, and have deep green fur with pale stripes and dots along their fur. They can be tamed, and a few people like to flaunt their tamed Hitchie Dogs around the cities. Mostly Hitchie Dogs tend to populate the outskirts and the Old Cities, and don't attack unless threatened.
Gripersnakes Gripersnakes are incredibly large, and absolutely deadly to be bitten by. Their fangs are three inches of terror, and a Gripersnake's speed is almost unmatched. When travelling be sure to keep an eye out for their unmistakable black scales, decorated with blue stripes along their backs.
media form
three-parter comic (?)
lvl of completion
appreciation for sci-fi

Planetary Info
12.8 billion
Cassory, Pline, Komoti, Jino, Flautine, Gothoph, Hetie, Roto
Government Types
Capitalist, Monarchy, and Socialist
Danger Levels
Low in or near cities, medium to high farther out
Solar System
Onyr System, 3 planets, 1 sun
Warm to humid, rarely snowy or cold

Main Characters.

21, Professional Ballerina, stubborn and a leader

Illegal A.I.
Kanapi's bestie, illegal, snarky attitude.

17, strong leader, creative and willing to question auhority

Secondary Char
17, silly goofy, tech-savvy idea guy

Secondary Char
16, child prodigy, it-girl

22, constantly stressed, always looking for answers, tech-savvy

21, funny and creative, Bass player, undergoes Heracles Experiment

20, terrible people skills, certified theatre kid, undergoes Heracles Experiment

Religious Practices/Beliefs
A synopsis of the most popular religious beliefs on Osypso

Phonism Phonism is the belief in one God, the creator of Osypso and the universe. Phonists follow their sacred book, the Photia, and believe that God created humanity to be primitive so they could share in the act of creation and become "godlike" by indulging in creating technology and the abilities it offers.

Enigmists Enigmists believe in no specific god, but do believe in a higher power or "energy" that guides them through life. They follow no specific religious texts, but do follow a set of rules that their group of leaders have agreed upon, and sometimes change with the passage of time. The rules consist of using clean language, and being as clean as possible through what food is eaten, what words and conversation is engaged in, and fabrics worn in order to allow pure energy to flow through the body.

The Faith of Osypso Followers of the Faith of Osypso believe the planet Osypso is their god, and that she provides everything her followers should ever need. Followers of the Faith are generally Osypso's hippies, deeming to use little technology in order to be as in tune to Osypso and her energy as possible, and preach love and respect for the planet. Nature Appreciation Day was largely started by followers of the Faith.

Sille's Capitol, where The Heracles Project takes place
Avigo Outskirts
Outskirts of Avigo, where Psyche takes place

To be determined
Why is this location significant? Explain.
To be determined
Why is this location significant? Explain.

code by rottencodes