World inspired between bloodborne and dark souls. Somethings related to those games would also be found here.

Story(still in development, might be changed later on):
There were 2 faction churches, one that was praising the high elder beings of which they gained power and the human church that rebelled from such ideals. A war broke between the 2 leaving to the separation between the 2 worlds between a wall of magic.

Years later the high beings left since they weren't anything that could worship them, only creatures that wanted their life and humanity back after being consumed by their insanity. Athanasius is a half human and half elder god that wants to unionize the 2 worlds after being betrayed by his own parent. His place because of the magic was in a constant loophole with no escape and of which he doesn't have the strength to destroy it.

In the true ending the 2 places unionized and live a good better life, Athanasius being the one that protects the place from anyone who wants to try to consume it again.