taking place far away from the original i hope so story brings a new adventure when the tyrannical king ignition is seemingly granted another chance at life, sending him back to when he was just a squire. as his relationship with the knight, and eventual, king willow goes on, he cant help but wonder what things couldve been before he got filled with a bloodthirsty madness. 

not yet open! tw for abuse/toxic relationships and traumatic events

Latest Bulletin

Characterization Info

Posted 2 months, 23 days ago by 0CEANICBVGS

We encourage all players to have two set timelines for each of their characters. One being Branch A and the other being Branch B. How your character remembers or comes to remember their first life is up to you; these storylines are important as the main focus of The King’s Forces are perception and unreliable narratives. 

-list pronouns, gender identity, etc
-list past memories or previous names if you wish
-list past relationships in Branch A versus current relationships in Branch B

-list dubious content concerning your character; while we encourage in-depth and complex relationships, keep things tasteful (no explicit information)
-list relationships you don’t have permission to use, please talk to your fellow players before posting or updating content

Example of character sheet here X 

Consensus here 

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