
Welcome to Zikyu Caves! this is a semi open species with things to do in it! You can create your very own Zikyu without an MYO, its the Cave region, they have all the basic traits that all Zikyus have(as seen in the picture next to this text box)! To make the other regions you need to purchase an MYO and more in our discord server using our server currency Zippers! You can obtain these Zippers using the work command or you can draw prexisting Zikyus for much more then what you can get then working. When you make a Zikyu that needs an MYO they have to go through MYO approval and then once they are approved you can send them over here to be added to our masterlist.

Now you maybe wondering what these other MYOs are and what they look like! Theres 3 MYOs you can purchase, Pacific, Munchie, and Hacker! Pacific is a mermaid verison that allows your Zikyu to have a Mermaid tail, their cloak is bubbly and flowy, instead of the animal ears that the Cave Zikyus have they have fins for ears and their body has a nice shine to it almost pearlescent! Munchie Zikyus have a nice fluffy cloak thats almost blanket like, they have a food tail and cutlery horns, their overall appearence is food based and will have ears that are food as well! The final MYO the final region is called Hackers, these guys are unquie, they have a lava lamp body, a screen false mouth instead of the normal mouth, their cloak is nice and short about shoulder legnth they have headphone ears that are constantly playing music and their tail is very flowy like particles!


03/08/24 Zikyus were created and ready for launch!

03/09/24 Server has launched and a Grand Opening Event has started!!

##/##/## Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

##/##/## Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

##/##/## Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.


  1. You can Make a BASE Zikyu freely but in order to get different traits or a different base you will need to purchase MYOs, those can be obtained by Submitting art of Zikyus in Art Submissions.
  2. Please dont make Zikyus of Irl people regardless if they are a vtuber or not
  3. Please dont Make Zikyus of other peoples OCs HOWEVER you are free to make one of you own OC!
  4. You are not able to make adopts, You can apply for GA in order to make them! However if you are approached by someone asking if you can make them one And they have the traits you are welcome to do so
  5. We have zero tolerance for Art Theft, AI Art, Tracing other peoples art. If you are caught you will be kicked from the server..
  6. You are not welcome here if you are Homophobic, Racist, Transphobic, Misogynistic, Proshipper, Zoophile, Ai Artist







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