
IMG_3142.jpegthis is just a world to organize anything that applies to "kff"

kind of like a TH for dog ocs but instead its things that have faces that go o3o

i only take credit of the current creatures that have been inspired by me in my smaller community

anything else that has a o3o beforehand can join and is welcome


- don’t be a jerk and claim KFF as your idea and make something out of it like a species. It’s not even my idea. I stole it from tamagotchi and gulpin

- i cant control anything . just dont upload kff that are morally bad or reprehensible, design wise (I.e. racist stereotype)

- you can do whatever the hell you want with the kff you make. they dont even need to be called kff i do not care i just like seeing them here

- if you get one of mine follow my normal adopt TOS

- respect other creators TOS