alenverse is in the future where aliens came down to earth and were like yo you guys are cool and properly developed enough to come chill with us and explore the universe with us if you guys want to and a bunch humans went hell yeah dude id love that and some humans and aliens chose to split off to create a village on the moon and after a few years of developing and hard work from the humans and aliens alen one of the higher up aliens was voted into being the villages president so hes now the alien leader of the village and alien leader has a whole bunch of responsibilities like giving out fingers fingers are sort of like a ranking system to the aliens so the higher your job is or the more important it is the more fingers you have and no matter how many fingers you have you are treated equally just the same as everyone else because every job is extremely important just because your job requires more fingers doesn’t mean you are suddenly better than someone that doesn’t require that many everyone in the village lived happily ever after under alens watchful beady eyes the end