Welcome To world for all  things Pin Dinos

This is an Open Species by vbrow
That Grows and evolves with the community (as new ideas come to light)
Pin Dinos are Soft Plushie creatures that vary in size, shape & Color

This species is a huge comfort to me so I hope it can be a great comfort for you all as well


03/27/24 Coming Soon.... Pin DIno Discord, Coded Th World & Something new

04/07/24 Release of the Pin Dino Discord & Pin Dragon subspecies!

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  1. Please do not claim this species as your own. While sharing your pin dino creations on scoial media or other platforms please always include credit to the original creator and the Pin Dinos Communit. Vbrow on Th & DA and Nullyerror109 on Insta
  2. When you have made the Pin Dinos TH Profile we do recomend Adding them to the TH World *Here*
  3. When Designing characters inspired by Shows, TV Series, Games, Etc..., Ensure to infuse them with your own unique twist and avoid directly coping them
  4. If you are confused or have any kind of question please do not be afried to ask "as there are no dumb questions"
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Life of a Pin Dino
Pin Dino
World Building

Pin Dinos live in Lush areas such as Lush caves, Forests, Jungles, Beaches, etc... However they have been seen in other areas as well

  • They Squeak / Honk to Communicate
  • They have stuffed hearts
  • The food they eat can stain their plush bodies

Pin Dinos of the Month

World Owner


Vbrow / Nully

Owner Head Admin Main Pin Dino

Creator of Pin Dinos | Open to PMs | Any Pronouns | Insta: Nullyerror109 , DA: Vbrow

Admin / Mod


DigitalSkullFox / Jeans

Discord Mod Helper Admin

Discord Mod & Admin | Dms Open | Any Pronouns |


Mod 2 name

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Mod 3 name

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Mod 4 name

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Mod 5 name

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Mod 6 name

role role 2


Artist Box

Name Permanent Artist | Adopt Maker | Artist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Guest Artist | Adopt Maker | Artist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
