
Project 28 – an initiative sparked by the prospect of genetically engineering domestic companions, ‘human’ beings with neotenous feline characteristics, often referred to as "catgirls" in many otaku subcultures.

They’re romanticized perpetually in today’s media. They’re conventionally attractive, jejune, doting, loyal. The spitting image of obedience.

Certain people within these social circles had been exalted to such a status that this was something they could afford to experiment with. And so they did — without stopping to think of what repercussions this may have. Experimental bioengineering of catgirls has been underway since the 1960s – only becoming public knowledge a few decades ago. Since then, they have been meticulously molded into the ‘perfect’ domestic pet, more plaything or novelty than sapient being.

Catgirls have been living among man since the early 2000s, expected to play into their perversions and cater to their every need. Used to their grim upbringings, nothing about their situation ever occurred to catgirls as ‘wrong’ or ‘inhumane’, but the objective fact of the matter is that they don’t belong here. And as time goes on, a collective zoochosis begins to set in. Occasional biting, ill manners, destructive behaviors are problematic – but not unheard of. Neurosis or aggression is simply a matter of temperament or individuality. Felid instincts are curbed, stifled, punished. This can only continue for so long before nature begins to correct itself.

A Generation 0 catgirl by the name of Miyuki slaughtered her owner in his own apartment, sustaining an eye injury before fleeing the scene with another catgirl – a microcelebrity by the name of Marie. They were seen no more than two days following the incident, disheveled and delirious with false hope that they had finally found a way out. Authorities were alerted and the duo was swiftly dispatched on the street for the safety of onlookers.

It is believed that the two, despite coming from entirely different owners with no prior connection, conspired to murder Miyuki’s owner Blahhh ill do this later.


10/30/22 Write some exciting news here...

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