WELCOME TO THE RUMBLE!79801567_8MpuS584bAVbKQL.gif

As of now, our group is in a "Work-In-Progress" state. While it is open, not everything is available. Please be patient as we finish things!

Hello, trainers! Thanks for stopping by Rockruff Rumble!
You might remember us from a while ago, and although that fell downhill, we're ready to get this up-and-running again!
We're an arpg world centered around the puppy Pokémon itself, and we're so excited to get to know you!
Here, you can explore the wild to catch unique Rockruff, level them up by drawing them, earn coins from quests to buy special items, and even partake in Rockruff battles!
So, what are you waiting for? Leap on in, and join the pack!


The Rumble is currently OPEN to new members!


Current event!

No events yet!


Update log!

Shop has been rotated! (4/6)

Daily Pokeballs and Explores have been reset! (4/10)
The Eclipse Event has ended!

We apologize for the slow replies as of recent! We hope to be back on track in the coming days!


v Directory! v

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Monthly goals!


Completing them all before the end of the month might get you a reward!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Moderators!

(Saying "we" makes me happy, shh)


The Rockruff, Lycanroc, and all other Pokémon species used in this ARPG belong to The Pokémon Company.
Pixel at the top of this page was made by eviltown. All other illustrations were made by Kat.
This ARPG is heavily inspired by the- now closed- EeveeParadise, as well as Eevee City. Thank you!