Hareliens (Hare-lee-ins) are alien hare/insects (usually mothlike) who exist for comfort. They are fluffy, love making things from silk, and live in a dark, quiet, peaceful world with lush, soft forests. It is always a brightly starry night on their planet, with three large moons that blanket the ground in a blue-green glow. They sleep on beds of moss and use their softly glowing antennae to find their way on particularly dark, cloudy nights. Their "fur" is made of waxy filaments like woolly aphids and is transparent white, like a polar bear's, but their shorter undercoat can make the longer fur appear different colors as light reflects through it. They have soft chitinous scales under their fur, with some patches sometimes being visible (especially on the belly, but also can be on the face, arms and legs, and even their round fluffy abdomen). Their compound pupils appear as pearly spheres attached to otherwise mammal-like eyes that can move around. They almost always have wings, which can be just about any size. They never can fully fly, but some with larger wings can glide! They hatch from soft eggs covered in glowy tendrils that are similar to their antennae. These tendrils are filled with nutrients that help them in their final embryonic stages, so they are absorbed shortly before hatching. They have no teeth, and their mouths are usually not visible unless open. Their proboscis-like tongue is coiled as a moth's and extends when feeding on nectar. They have a queen, and though she is small, her wings and antennae are the largest of any other Harelien. She guides the others through the night with her especially glowy antennae to find the richest, sweetest night flowers to feed on.