• KOI caretaker of silly valley
    Koi is a caring and curious silly known for his bright red poncho, which marks him as a figure of trust and warmth in Silly Valley. As one of the guardians of the valley, he spends his days ensuring the safety and happiness of his fellow Sillies. With a heart as vibrant as the meadows he calls home, Koi is dedicated to helping others, whether itโ€™s guiding them safely to mysterious portals or offering a listening ear. His kindness and curiosity often lead him into adventures, making him not only a caretaker but also an explorer of the unknown. Koi's most defining traits are his compassion and bravery, qualities that inspire and comfort those around him.80030581_R5aj3cF415lDR8y.gif

  • ??? mysterious wizard
    ??? is a figure shrouded in mystery, his presence announced by his deep blue robe decorated with red crystal horns and a matching necklace that glows softly in the dark. With each step, the soft thud of his boots resonates, echoing his quiet determination. In his hand, he carries a short staff adorned with crimson crystals that seem to pulse with otherworldly energy.