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new ideas + lucia's role in the story

Posted 4 days, 15 hours ago by gatozuko

ohhh my god okay. I finally have like a Solid story line or more as in that i have a role for Lucía, as in why shes an important character oh i am so happy. I have also thought about the others (Mari , Andrea, and valerie ) but i already had like roles in mind for them since the start so i dont think its that important for now atleast 

 I am not writing it down though, because i still need to write the story and i wanna do that before writing anything about the characters plus i have something in mind with how the story could start as well im actually quite excited ^_^

once im done with my finals hopefuly with vacations i can start fixing up the world a bit !!

Content that this ´World´ will have:

 - In detail backstories of each character, fears, likes, and more ..

- Trivial facts about each character ..

- Songs or playlists that fit the characters or the story ..

- Actual short stories of characters interacting with each other (MAYBE)

- Themes that will be included ..

- Relationship charts ..

Side characters will be included as well, no matter how little importance they have in the plot!

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