UPSILON expands universally but the story is mostly focused on Earth.

even after eons, Earth is very shaped by an ancient reality-breaking war.

due to CHEEKUMS and general fallout from the war, earth has many cave-ins, collided or destroyed continents, "glitches", altered terrains + weather, and voids/pockets of unreality. also magic!

for example, gargantuan craters/holes, storms that never cease, floating islands and cities, oceans that dry out within one night then reappear the next day, floating voices with no known source, habitats for supernatural beings or life beyond our comprehension, portals to god knows where etc etc

basically, if u turn a corner you can probably find something like this:


by @Outrunyouth

Earth is ever-changing and chaotic. It is home to many different races, beings, creatures, and life aside from humans, who reside permanently or come and go as they please. As a result, culture, tradition, religion, spirituality, government/leadership, etc. shift or combine constantly

this is constantly a WIP so feel free to check back later for more info and updates and such (: