welcome to the DreamScape

Welcome to the Dreamscape, home to the Dreamscales! Dreamscales are a closed fantribe by Spectre and Texmonide who are shrouded in mystery… Born from dreams they bear a resemblance to sheep and roam a crescent shaped continent not only isolated by sea but also by a towering wall of magic infused fog. This Toyhouse world contains everything you’d need to know and have to participate in our community, including your very own dreamscale!

Points of interest we urge you to check out are the lore, traits, and the FAQ pages, good places to start when looking for answers to any questions you may have! There will also be monthly events we’ll hold that will have a variety of prizes for participating— from species currency to MYOs and more!


Character Name


[ Owner ]
34089537_0DOOErtBbKNrYX0.png Texmonide
[ Co-owner ]
34089537_0DOOErtBbKNrYX0.png username
[ Staff ]
34089537_0DOOErtBbKNrYX0.png username
[ staff ]


Mon DD

Cras justo odio, aliquet nec ornare finibus, blandit at ipsum.

Mon DD

Aliquam vel sapien quis nisi porttitor sollicitudin ac ut dui.

Mon DD

Phasellus fermentum aliquam tristique.

code by 8byte