
closed species

Small humanoid creatures to guard and protect their home island, Flora, and it’s inhabitants.

Floriax are a closed species, do not make your own without a MYO.


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ADMIN content

  • Role-plays
  • Art 
  • Designs

  • NSFW
  • 18+ content 
  • hate speech
  • Floriax are about the size of your palm, but Sun Root blessed Floriax can grow up to the size of a magpie.
  • Floriax have no natural predators.
  • Floriax are herbivores.

  • Any sort of hate in this world will not be tolerated, and you will get a strike.
  • Break any said rules and you get a strike.
  • Three strikes and you will be kicked, blacklisted and have all your Floriax voided from the species.


Floriax are small humanoid creatures about the size of your palm. They have a tail and wins that fold up to make what looks a bit like a cape.

Floriax are the only humanoid species on Flora, their island. The Floriax have protected and cared for Flora and its inhabitants for thousands of generations. The leader of the Floraix, the Felix, is in charge of the island.

Important locations:

Orhandra Grove - Capital city of Flora, home to the Felix themselves

The Sun Root - A uprooted tree that has golden sap. The sap is precious as it will give whatever creature that drinks it strength and most importantly, immortality. If a Blessed One (one who drank the sap) dies, they will ‘respawn’ in 100 years. Only ones who do years of training and are chosen by the Felix are able to become one, immediately making them a Fanrac.

The Giving Falls - Glowing bioluminescent waterfall that only the Felix can bathe in. Said its water heals any wounds.

Shining Tree - A tree which fruit allows a Floriax to become Bioluminescent.

The order of importance and power: 

The Felix - Leader of Flora, blessed by the Giving Falls

The Fill - Second in charge, if the Felix dies or steps down, they become the new Felix

The Fanracs - A council of warriors, blessed by the Sun Root to protect the island

Citizens - Normal Floriax

Zimbies - Mount

Orsgas - Mount

Ippies - Pet

Snatters - Pest