
Ravenclan Lands

Ravenclan Camp

Once a city filled with life, Carrion now stands as a desolate husk of its former glory—abandoned and left for decay. The silence of the streets is pierced only by the occasional meow of the many cats now living there, their numbers growing as they explore their newfound territory. The structures and infrastructure that give the city its identity are now overgrown with weeds and crumbling, and the only inhabitants are the cats and the occasional scavenger looking for scraps. Despite the passage of time, the ghosts of Carrion's former glory still linger, waiting to be rediscovered.

The library stands as a towering monument to knowledge and learning, its once grand architecture now faded and cracked with time. Despite the passage of time though, the library is not entirely abandoned as the Ravenclan cats now reside amongst the stacks and corridors. The cats have taken up residence in the various nooks and crannies of the library, using the towering stacks as their den for their camp amongst the books.


Carcasses of monsters lie here; a chaotic mess of mangled metal, broken glass, and rusted machinery, discarded by the former two-legs and left to rot. The towering piles of scrap provide ample cover and vantage points, making it a dangerous yet effective training ground for apprentices. Apprentices learn to stalk through the maze of debris, using whatever scraps of cover they can find to their advantage. The sharp edges and rusted metal test their reflexes and bravery, helping them hone their skills on becoming warriors.


The once somber and tranquil cemetery now stands as a haunting reminder of Death, the two-leg stones covered in ivy and its paths overgrown. But despite its deserted appearance, the cemetery is not unguarded. The line of cats who once served as the cemetery's Gravekeeper's kittypets now stand guard, patrolling the grounds and ensuring that the dead rest in peace. Though their numbers have dwindled over the years, these cats stand steadfast, honoring the memory of those who have passed and protecting their resting place.

Retention Pond

Even with lack of two-leg intervention, there's thriving and flourishing ecosystem, its still waters clear and sparkling in the light. An array of aquatic species now call the pond home, providing ample opportunity for Ravenclan cats to use it as their hunting grounds. The clear waters allow the cats to easily spy their prey, and the surrounding reeds and bushes offer the perfect cover for stalking. The prospering pond has become an essential hunting ground, providing sustenance for both the clan and the aquatic life that thrives within it.

Crescent Falls

Cascading from the crescent shaped rock, its waters rushing down the smooth, curved stone and creating a curtain of foaming water. The flow of the water is strong and steady, sending a spray of mist into the air as it pours over the edge of the rock. The rock's unique shape contributes to the waterfall's beauty and mystery, adding a sense of tranquility to the scene. Despite the fierce rush of the water, the waterfall creates a tranquil and peaceful ambiance, its cascading waters providing a constant and soothing sound. Leading to the lively waters of the rentention pond and the unknown.

Abandoned Lab

Now fallen eerily silent, the lab's once bustling halls now deserted and empty. The air is thick and dusty with the metallic scent of disuse, the faint hum of machinery can be heard echoing through the empty space. Scattered documents and broken equipment litter the floor, testament to the chaotic abandonment of the facility. It seems all the two-legs, like every other building, left in a hurry. In the higher floors, an abandoned project catches the eye, a bluish herb now known to Ravenclan as Wisp Catmint left to cultivate and take over it's containers.

Swan's Neck River

Winding and streching, the river parts through the land like the graceful neck of a Swan, its curving path surrounded by a chorus of aquatic birds. Swans glide across the water, their snowy white feathers shimmering in the sunlight, while ducks and geese paddle along the surface, diving in and out of the water in search of food, adding a touch of avian beauty to the landscape. The water is crystal clear, offering a glimpse of the smooth stones and rocks that lie below the surface. The riverbanks are lined with tall grasses and reeds, creating the perfect habitat for the various birds that call the river home.

Wisteriaclan Lands

Wisteriaclan Camp

The forest stands tall and dense, its overgrown trees creating a thick canopy that blocks out the sunlight. The wisteria branches intertwine and tangle together, creating a thick wall of foliage that obscures the forest floor below. The once-fragrant blossoms have wilted and shriveled, their petals littering the ground in a carpet of decaying beauty. The silence of the forest is broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves as wildlife scurry through the undergrowth, navigating the dense and tangled poisonous wisteria branches.

As trees are in full bloom, their cascades of lavender and orchid blossoms adding a vibrant splash of color to the forest floor. A faint sweet fragrance fills the air, the scent of the wisteria blossoms adding a touch of tranquility to the tranquil atmosphere. Wisteriaclan cats have made this forest their home, using the dense roots as makeshift dens for their camp and the sweet fragrance as a marker of their territory.

Ancient Wisteria Tree

Standing proud in the center of Wisteriaclan's camp, its towering presence is a symbol of wisdom and unity. Her gnarled and twisted arms reach towards the sky, creating a natural shelter and shielding her children from the elements. Her branches of the tree are laden with thick clusters of blossoms, their vibrant purple hue casting a splash of color against the green foliage. The sweet scent of the blossoms hangs heavy in the air, providing a pleasant backdrop for the clan's activities. She serves as a constant reminder of the clan's connection to nature and the beauty of the forest they call home.

Herb/Mushroom Garden

Resting towards the east of the camp and inbetween the dense forest, a sprawling patch of soil is a burst of life among the stillness of the forest. The garden is filled with a variety of herbs, each one planted in neat rows and spaced out perfectly to allow for their growth thanks to the medicine cats. Fresh green foliage and vibrant blossoms create a mosaic of color as the herbs grow side by side in harmony. The scent of the herbs fills the air, each one adding its own unique fragrance to the mix. The herb garden is a haven of life in the middle of the forest, providing a source of sustenance and medicinal plants for the creatures that call the forest home.

Fairy Fields

An open field stands as a tranquil and picturesque landscape, its tall grass swaying gently in the breeze provdining ample cover from large predators above. Scattered throughout the field are the unmistakable signs of mushroom circles, their circular patterns standing out against the tall grass. The circles are formed by clusters of fungi and wildflowers, their bright petals a vibrant display of color against the sea of green. The scent of the flowers drifts through the air, carried on the breeze and creating a sweet and fragrant haze. The mysterious circles create a sense of wonder and intrigue in the otherwise ordinary field, and serve as a reminder of the beauty and enchantment of nature.

Witch's Hut

The once believed abandoned two-leg den stands amidst the mouth of a swamp, its dark and ominous blending in with the eerie silence of the forest. The hut is constructed of old and weathered wooden planks, and the roof is thatched with dry reeds and straw. The windows are small and uninviting, covered with tattered curtains that obscure any glimpse inside. A small cauldron rests outside the hut, wisps of smoke rising from its rim and filling the air with the scent of herbs and potions. This cottage casts a spell of mystery and danger, rumored to have an unknown in habitant and an elusive two-leg known as a "Witch". Most Wisteriaclan cats avoid the den, unless dared by fellow apprentices as a final test of their strength.


Twisted and gnarled trees line overhead, its sprawling roots stretching outwards and anchoring it to the clear waters below. Their unique root system allowing them to thrive in this harsh environment. The air is filled with the sound of birds and insects, the mangrove serving as a valuable habitat for a variety of creatures. The tangled branches and roots of the mangrove create a labyrinth of twisting pathways, a secret world hidden within the tangle of plants. This mangrove is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of nature, thriving in an environment that would be hostile to many other plant species.

Two-Leg Seasonal Home

A cozy and cheerful abode, the exterior is painted in a soft, pastel blue. The interior is adorned with shells, sand dollars, and other seaside treasures, a nod to its coastal locale. The two-legs visit the home on occasion, often finding themselves at home during Greenleaf and leave by Leaffall; with occasions upon Leafbare and New Leaf. There's two that accompany the Two-legs; Angel, an albino molly who has a trade set up with the clans and a large dog that resides in the house, a gentle and docile beast—often described as dopey by Angel.

Ivoryclan Lands

Ivoryclan Camp

Stretching out like a vast underground world, its towering rocks and deep crevices creating a maze-like landscape. Its jagged rocks and twisted crevices providing shelter from the scorching sun and fierce winds. The walls of the canyon soar high above, casting long shadows across the rocky terrain below. The air is dry and hot, the stench of scorched earth and minerals filling the cavernous space. The cool, dry air is filled with the faint scent of minerals and the echoes of trickling water.

The dim lighting casts shadows across the rocky terrain, adding to the sense of mystery and danger that pervades the canyon. Despite the harsh conditions, the cats have made this canyon their home, using the crevices and caves as cover from the elements and as a source of refuge from the prowling predators that roam the desert wasteland. The cats navigate the cavernous canyon with careful and calculated steps, their keen senses and sharp claws allowing them to traverse the treacherous terrain and find shelter in the many crevices and caves that honeycomb the canyon's walls.


A tranquil and serene spot resides amidst the barren desert, its crystal clear waters is a refreshing contrast to the hot and dry landscape. Here, apprentices gather around the oasis, using its surroundings as a training ground to hone their hunting skills and practice their tactics. The rocky terrain and scattered boulders provide natural cover, while the pools of water offer a refreshing break from the intense heat of the desert. The oasis's cool and calm atmosphere creates a perfect setting for the young apprentices to learn and grow, while also providing a peaceful sanctuary from the harsh and unforgiving desert.


Bleached and weathered bones stand out against the golden sand and towering rock formations, a stark reminder of the harsh and unforgiving landscape. The bones are scattered across the dusty ground, some piled in great mounds and others lying scattered and lone. The towering, skeletal ribs of a colossal creature towers over the other bones in the boneyard like an ancient beast, its massive bones faded and eroded by the relentless desert sand. It's uncertain how the bones came to be here, but they stand now as a grim reminder of the cycle of life and death in this desolate wasteland. There is a solemn and eerie atmosphere in the boneyard, as if the souls of the deceased still linger amidst the bleached bones.


Tall and undulating, surrounded by a sea of cacti and foliage creating a challenging and treacherous hunting ground for Ivoryclan warriors. The brush move and rustle with the wind, creating unexpected obstacles and opportunities for prey and predators alike. The hot sun beats down on the dunes, creating a mirage-like effect on the shifting sands, making it difficult to distinguish between the hallucinations and prey. The dunes are a test of skill and wits, as warriors and apprentices must use all their senses to navigate the constantly changing landscape and successfully locate their prey.


After a steep drop lies rough and rugged landscape, its steep and jagged walls rising high above the narrow valley floor. The path that winds its way along the edge of the gorge is riddled with obstacles, from loose and rocky terrain to sharp and jagged outcroppings. The fish below dart and weave through the scattered debris, their silvery forms a vibrant contrast to the brown and grey rocks that line the gorge's sides. The gorge, though beautiful, is also dangerous, Ivoryclan cats must tread carefully in order to avoid stumbling and falling. One wrong step on this rugged terrain could mean a deadly fall, and the gorge's steep and treacherous nature makes it a perilous place to navigate.

Tar Pits

Stretching out like a bottomless void, its thick and glossy surface gleam like pools of black oil in the light of desert. The pit is filled with a strange and otherworldly energy, a powerful force that seems to draw visitors closer, almost hypnotically. Some say that the tar pit is a portal to the realm for the dead, a gateway for those doomed in the soulless afterlife, while others believe it is simply a mere puddle of sticky tar in the desert. Despite its eerie and potentially supernatural properties, the tar pit remains a marvel and a mystery, a source of both fascination and fear.

Snaggletooth Mountain

Towering above the surrounding landscape like a lonely sentinel, its jagged and rough surface creating a stark and dramatic silhouette against the sky. The peak's shape is unusual, resembling a jagged and broken tooth, with steep cliffs and rocky outcroppings that give it the appearance of a snaggletooth. Despite its harsh and desolate surroundings, the mountain peak is a sight to behold, standing tall and proud against the vast and empty desert. It's reported by the clans of the past to have used this spot to try and commune with Soulclan, but as of now it remains desolate.

Outsider Lands


A dark and eerie sight, the crumbling walls and broken pipes of winding halls standing as a testament to their neglect and abandonment. The stench of decay and rot hangs heavy in the air, and the sound of dripping water is a constant companion in the silent and empty tunnels. The dim light that filters through the gaps in the sewer's lid does little to dispel the oppressive darkness, casting long shadows that dance and flicker across the crumbling walls. Despite their abandonment, the sewers retain a sense of mystery and intrigue, their ruined state and isolated location creating an atmosphere of haunting beauty.

The sewers are a labyrinth network of dark and damp tunnels, lined with thick layers of mud and slime. The air is thick with the stench of decay and rot, the foul odor permeating every corner of the cramped and claustrophobic passageways. Rogues and exiled cats that inhabit the sewers have made the dank and filthy tunnels their home, living in the shadows and using debris for their dens. Despite the squalor and filth that surround them, the outsiders living there have scraped out a existence in the sewers, living in an underworld separate from the clan that resides above.

Three Falls

Water descends in three separate streams, each one creating its own unique and forceful waterfall as it crashes down into the still waters of the loch below. Each representing a main traits the clan strive for. The falls create a magnificent sight, their roar and splash echoing through the valley as the water hits the loch's surface. The Soul loch, deep and serene, is a beautiful backdrop for the majestic sight of the three falls, their power, tranquility, and beauty adding an added sense of wonder to the natural landscape.

National Park

A vast and majestic landscape, stretching out in all directions like a natural canvas of beauty and diversity. The park's diverse landscapes include towering mountains and rugged hills, lush green forests, dense old growth, rushing rivers leading out towards the cliffs connected to the loch. The park is home to a wide array of wildlife, ranging from majestic mountain lions and bears to playful squirrels and colorful songbirds. The park's scenic beauty, combined with its abundant recreational opportunities, makes it a popular destination for loners and kittypets with their two-legs.


Over a beautiful and picturesque sight, the gazebo is surrounded by a lush and fragrant cloud of violet wisteria flowers. The vines of the wisteria creep and twist around the gazebo's frame, creating an intricate and elegant pattern that resembles a purple canopy. The wisteria's sweet fragrance fills the air, and the delicate blossoms dance gently in the air, creating a magical atmosphere. The gazebo—adorned by the wisteria—is a romantic and charming spot for outsiders, perfect for a quiet moment of contemplation or a romantic evening under the stars.

North Cavern Tunnel

Connecting the three clans' territories is a vast and expansive, with a high domed ceiling, cavern that is open to the sky above. The cavern are made of rough and rocky terrain, their high ceilings offering a dizzying view of the sky above. The walls of the caverns are also made of rough rock, with stalactites hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites rising up from the floor. Despite their harsh terrain, the caverns offer a unique perspective of the stars and the night sky above during Gatherings. The tunnel leading out of the cavern directs the leaders towards the Soul Loch.

Soul Loch

Hidden away past the cliffs of the forests, the undisturbed lake remains inconspicious to the monsters and two-legs that past by. The loch stretches out like a pool of glass, its surface shimmering and sparkling in the moonlight. The leaders of each clan gather at the Soul Loch for their Gatherings, holding council in the quiet and majestic surroundings. The enveloping trees and bushes create a natural screen, providing shelter and privacy for the discussions and negotiations that take place. The tranquil atmosphere of the Soul Loch provides a neutral and peaceful setting for the clans to come together and forge alliances and agreements, or so they wish.

Kittypet Neighborhood

Streets lined with neat and tidy homes, each one eerily similiar with clean lawns and architectural styles. The lawns are lush and green, adorned with colorful uniform flower beds and manicured bushes. The streets are relatively quiet, with only the occasional sound of a passing monster or the chatter of two-leg kits playing in the yards. The neighborhood offers a sense of community and familiarity, where neighbors wave to each other in passing and children play together in the streets. Despite its peaceful reputation, the suburban neighborhood can occasionally be the site of mischievous pranks and petty crimes.

The streets are relatively quiet during the day, providing an opportunity for curious kittypets and loners to prowl and explore without drawing too much attention. However, the neighborhood can also be a source of excitement and intrigue, with the occasional sighting of a bird or rodent to keep the cat engaged and entertained. During night, kittypets need return to their loving dens or run the risk of turning up lost—unless some of these wayward felines want more than a cushy life.

Pet Hotel

A cozy and welcoming space, providing comfort and care for kittypets and dogs with Two-legs on vacation. The lobby is bright and airy, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering views of the outdoor play area. The check-in counter is manned by a friendly and helpful staff, who are always ready to answer questions and provide information about the facility. The hotel offers a range of accommodations, from standard rooms to luxury suites, each one equipped with comfortable beds, toys, and other amenities to ensure a comfortable stay for the frequent kittypet guests. At the enterance, there is a section where Kittypets are pampered and styled, some of the two-legs taking in loners at times to be coddled for what may be the first in their lives.


A bustling and lively place, filled with the sounds of anxious and desperate barks and meows. The facility is clean and well-maintained, even if the dens lack the warmth of a clan camp or kittypet home. Although the staff and volunteers dedicate themselves to the welfare of the animals, it is oddly common for some of the felines to escape somehow. Despite the challenges and difficulties of the job, the staff remains committed to the welfare and happiness of the animals. There is a sense of dread for those that reside here, wondering if they were to return to their clans or settle down as a kittypet.

Cat Cafe

This is a haven of contentment and joy for mostly loners that wish to find themselves in the comfort of a kittypet life. The cafe is filled with comfortable chairs and sofas, perfect for lounging and snoozing. Loners can explore every nook and corner of the cafe, from the window sills to the bookshelf, and they can seek attention and affection by the two-legs that come along. The cafe's staff are dedicated to their wellbeing, providing them with plenty of food and toys to keep them entertained and happy. This is the closest the loners will get to rule clan, and the two-legs seem happy to accommodate them in every way possible.

Dog Pack Territory

Nestled amongst the concrete and steel throughout the City of Souls, the pack dens are hidden away in abandoned buildings and unused alleyways, providing shelter and privacy for the pack. The groups are adept at navigating the busy streets and avoiding detection from two-legs and other packs and rogues for territory. Several dog pack group litter through out the city, posing a threat for the rising rogue groups and singular loners. Despite the dangers of urban life, outsiders have adapted and thrive under the noses of these fiendish hounds.

??? Lands

Dream Lands

Being a spiritual reflection of the land of the living, it is populated by shimmering and soothing orbs of light. Silent as night, its ethereal sky filled with shimmering stars and a full moon—the air is filled with the sound of whispering winds. The land itself seems to radiate a sense of peace and calm, offering a haven for cats who seek rest and solace in the afterlife. In this realm, the dead find rest, some of them may appear here if they are contacted by the proclaimed Soulclan cats—wisped cats that walk this realm.

Tarred Lands

A nightmarish and terrifying reflection of reality, its dark and sticky tar stretching out like an endless void. The air is thick with the stench of decay and rot, and the sound of wailing souless cats echoes through the darkness. The tar's surface is filled with strange and eerie hallucinations, taunting. and tormenting the souls that struggle and writhe in their endless torment. Despite the horrors that surround them, the souls are somehow able to escape, slipping out for only an instance due to their unfinished rage.


"They simply disappear—no trace of them is found. Not here, not with Soulclan, and not in the Tarred lands."