• May 09 2024: This world is a huge wip. Feel free to start looking around or request a membership to be updated on it!
  • May 16th 2024: Free Bugpup adopts are open! You can request one by slinkibugpup.
  • DATE 00: Nullam venenatis molestie est id imperdiet. Phasellus non dictum turpis, in sodales orci. Maecenas eu elit dolor. Curabitur venenatis egestas dolor id semper.


Bugpups are an open species that were created by slinkibugpup. These hybrid creatures possess a unique set of features that make them quite adorable, including antennae, tails, paws, big eyes, and canine noses.

If you're curious to learn more about the different sub-species of Bugpups or their distinct traits, we recommend checking out the sub-species page or the trait guide. These resources provide valuable information about the diversity of the Bugpup species. The sub-species page offers a comprehensive guide to the different types of Bugpups. Jelly Bugpup, Muttbug, and many more to come. Meanwhile, the trait guide covers physical characteristics such as antennae and other traits.

CURRENT EVENT (Testing and designing)

—May 7th UNTIL May 25—

This world is currently in progress, you can still make Bugpups and explore the site, but it is not fully finished. Memberships are open!

At the moment, we are searching for individuals who would like to take on the role of moderators on our site. The primary responsibility of moderators is to assist in ensuring that all the Bugpups made by others fit the basic standards for Bugpups. If you are interested in being a moderator, kindly get in touch with slinkibugpup for further details.





Suspendisse potenti. Sed bibendum tristique sem bibendum gravida. Vestibulum eget arcu feugiat, vulputate est id, fermentum nibh. Donec eget varius elit, aliquet faucibus sem.



Owner and founder of Bugpups



Suspendisse potenti. Sed bibendum tristique sem bibendum gravida. Vestibulum eget arcu feugiat, vulputate est id, fermentum nibh. Donec eget varius elit, aliquet faucibus sem.

Code by Aurorean

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