

A reclusive, chimera-like creature made up of equine, bird, and dragon parts. 

They inhabit the lands of a vast mountain range with various ecosystems, all under the protection of their ancient Monarch.

All Archaeopon have:

- The ability to walk upright and use tools

- Up to 4 prongs on the ends of their tails

- Colorful plumage or scales growing on their body

- Manes extending down the spine (though some may prefer to shear theirs)

- Large sharp canines, some may develop tusks as well

Terran Variant 
Terran Archs are the largest variant, being a full 2 feet taller than others (at the very shortest).

Terran's can adapt quickly, and can withstand rougher terrain and environments better than other Arch variants. They are thereby one of the more commonly seen, as they can settle nearly anywhere.

They value family bonds over most anything else, and most children will stay in their birthplace well into their adulthood to care for their elders.

Unico Variant
Unico Archs are characterized by the 3 horns that trail down their nose bridge. These variants have the gift of magic manipulation, being able to cast spells of varying types and strength.

Unico's blessed with particularly strong magic are considered holy, as they often will have visions of the Monarch, who will relay messages to them of any coming dangers.

They live primarily in the mountain forests, though some will make long journeys in the hope of finding and recording tangible traces of the Monarch.

7046921_2Lu1AKe0d9dOcLx.pngVolant Variant
Volant Arch's have wings that can vary vastly in size and appearance.

Some wings may be feathered, and some may be more bat-like, but all have plumage to a degree and all have a clawed thumb. Volant's with larger wings tend to live at higher altitudes than others, and will grow thicker fur and hair as a result.

They primarily dwell in the upper regions of the mountain range. They are generally very curious and spirited, and most enjoy visiting the forests and ocean below.

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