Hall of warriors

The Hall of warriors

Welcome to the Hall of Warriors!

This place is dedicated to archiving past Special Events and their participants, happy scrolling


Aug - Sept 2019 Special event 

Back to school

Hello fellow inkies - time for your monthly prompt. In this prompt, we want you all to show us your inkie going back to school!
Show us how would they dress, what would they do - are they rebels, or teachers pets - you show us. 

So what do you need to do?

Step 1 - Firstly, make sure your inkies are signed up here - The Army - We want you!

Step 2 - Go crazy and draw/write your inky in their school outfit that you think they fit best in
Step 3 - Just submit them into the right folder in the group and then post them below

What do you get for participating?

You will gain souls in accordance to the amount of work you do (look above)


And that's all from us. Happy creating!

