
Welcome Soul Collectors!

In the beginning there was only a few Soul Collectors. Humans that had changed, becoming something not of this world. They needed souls to live. Two quickly stepped up to take the lead of what they now were, wanting to protect the others from the harm that humans would bring to them, once they found out about them. These two would be the ones to start up the Soul Collector city, Mythgrade. And the royal line. The other original Soul Collectors went off to do their own things. The two rulers knowing nothing of what has become of their friends, other than that one has passed away. Not knowing that one is the leader of the Soul Stealers.

Soul Collectors

Soul Collectors

Their Home

They live within a human world. They don't usually live in the cities or towns with humans. Since they don't usually look much like humans, they tend to live off in secluded areas. This world as not too modern. There is some technology, though some areas still have little to no technology.

Some Soul Collectors that do live with humans are usually the ones that look more human, being able to blend in with them more. While, on a more rare occasion, the village or town may accept them for who they are. Though, once again this is extremely rare. Soul Collectors do enjoy the company of others and will often seek out companionship. Though they usually live alone. They also usually prefer the more colder climates.

Most humans don't know about Soul Collectors. The only thing they might know of Soul Collectors are what they call Banshees.

Lastly their is a place that is the actual home of Soul Collectors. This place is called Mythgrade. It is home of the royal and original Soul Collectors. It's a large city found amongst the mountains. The city works and runs much like any human city. The Currency however, is souls. This is one way the royal bloodline has lived so long, but taxing their people for souls. For the most part the city is in good condition, with no too much crime going on. Normal crimes and such happen, like anywhere, but the Soul Collectors living their don't seem unhappy. Most Soul Collectors born into this world were born in this city. The Royal family is large, and can be found all over the place now.


Noteable Soul Collectors

NAME Occupation

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NAME Occupation

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Soul Collection

Soul Collectors need human souls to live. The more souls they gather, the longer they live. As long as their Soul Flame burns, a Soul Collector will live.

Now, for hunting it really all depends on the Soul Collector. Some loving hunting humans, scaring them and feasting on their souls. While others only take from the sick, weak, and old. And then, there are even some that take souls from graveyards or haunted places. Soul Collectors that live with humans usually go the more passive route of taking souls from other places than a living human.


  • Soul Collectors can go awhile without needing to collect a new soul, but they must while their soul flame closely, just to be safe. A weak flame means they need souls.
  • On average soul collectors will collect one soul a week. This can vary of course.
  • Some Soul Collectors have their soul companion to collector souls for them. However, owning a soul companion means they need to collect more souls.
  • If a Soul Collector becomes greedy and collectors too many souls, they can become a Soul Strealer. Soul Strealers are not good.


NAME Owner

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NAME Owner

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.




Soul Collectors have two enemies. Human Hunters and Soul Stealers.
Human Hunters, are humans out to find and kill Soul Collectors. They have usually came across a bad Soul Collector and have deemed them all disgusting creatures than must be killed. (pretty simple, humans that just don't like Soul Collectors) These humans would be similar to those of vampire hunters, witch hunters, and etc.

Soul Stealers however, are Soul Collectors themselves. Soul Stealers are much darker than Soul Collectors though. Soul Collectors usually have morals and a heart. Example, Soul Collectors usually don't want to make their victim suffer or cause harm, nor will they take souls from children. Soul Stealers will do this and much more. They have no mercy for anyone. Only for their own gain. A Soul Stealer is made from when a Soul Collector becomes too greedy. They can return to normal, but it is rather hard, like fighting an addiction. Soul Stealers will also steal the souls from Soul Collectors. Even if that means killing their follow Soul Collector.


  • Currently there are no possiblities to have a Soul Stealer.
  • You can have your Soul Collector interact with 'nameless' Soul Strealers, until Soul Streal NPCs or MYOs are added.
  • Not all humans are out to harm Soul Collectors. Sometimes, they can even be in a relationship.


LynnMoon Owner/Creator


Soul Collector: NAME

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