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The world faced a terrible flood that caused many civilizations to be lost. Humans have adapted to live in this world all around the world.

When: 1990 - ???
Where: ??? (Underwater)
What: Man-Made Mermaid/Merman

There was once a modern civilization that conquered the flood by living underwater, rather than above it. Without the distraction of wars happening above water, this civilization of people managed to advance quickly in their technology and magic through experimenting, as well as sending a few humans to gain information from the world above. They managed to create life out of technology and some magic that was achievable through a specific tattoo. With this, the civilization had man-made merfolks to defend them, care for them and entertain them. It was not long, however, before the humans decided resources and light was scarce underwater and moved up to the surface, abandoning all these merfolks to roam the ocean.

There are three categories of these mermaids, the Knight Merfolks (Merfolks that wear armour and carry swords with them to help the weaker mermaids), the Domestic Merfolks (Merfolks that used to care for the humans by through cooking, cleaning etc. Now they just try to befriend sea creatures, occasionally putting themselves in danger) and the Trophy Merfolks (Merfolks that were made to look exquisite and pretty as a trophy for the rich people, or to use as entertainment for people).

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