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The world faced a terrible flood that caused many civilizations to be lost. Humans have adapted to live in this world all around the world.

Where: South-East Asia
What: Fantasy Kampong

Kermituhla Village is named after a frog monster that is a common sight in the village. The people of the village have adapted to living on high-rise kampong tree houses that can withstand high and low tides of their environment. The people travel mostly through carts and ropes.

The village works together as a team, with each villager having a specific class - Warriors (who uses their tattooes to gain superhuman strength and use brute force and heavy weapons to battle), Gliders (who, with a bit of tattoo magic, uses arrows to attack from the skies) and the Acrobats (who use ropes and hooks to move around as well as attack. They are the only class without tattoo magic). There is usually only one or two healers in the village, which uses rare healing stones that belong to the royal family. As of now, there is only one healer, the Queen herself.

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