Artwork by Don Davis

 A Brief History of Reach
"Helping the universe reach greater heights."


The inscription can be found on the northwest side of the effigy at the heart of Reach. The architecture is unmistakably Kriitån, with the base posessing eight sides and each side containing variations of the phrase in alien tongues. Varying sculptures line each of the eight sides, each with an outstretched arm reaching up and towards the center, to the great unknown above. The inclusion of an English transcription, though sentimental, is an empty gesture. Many races call Reach home in their own language, but humans are a rare sight so far from Earth.

Reach, as humans know it as, was built at the edge of a far galaxy and was intended to encourage the further exploration of unmapped dark space. Instead, the near-sighted project fell just short of the intended outcome, and Reach soon found itself as simple hovel and gateway for pirates and other undesirables. Officially, the station was named for its five arms, resembling a hand grasping into space. The name Reach, however, soon became a sarcastic gesture, because many found themselves with no other choice but to stay, or simply came just to escape from the eyes of interplanetary authority. The space station houses so many different races that to simplify interactions the unofficial language became a pidgin of numerous different languages.

Nevertheless, for those with a positive outlook, Reach has turned into one of the biggest cultural melting-pots in the galaxy, and despite some less than desirable residents the station still sees countless visitors each perigree.





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