In this universe monsters are a minority. They’re commonplace but discriminated against. The government knew about them for a long time but just made their existence public in the last couple decades. Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of creatures so alien suddenly walking around with the same rights and privileges. Others feel threatened by a group that’s inherently more powerful than them. Others still think of monsters as more animal than human. Hate groups and extremists have risen to make sure their voices are heard, and even enact vigilante justice where they feel the government has failed. Some examples are The Custodians, The M.O.B., and Humans United. The government has been very quiet in response, declining to quell the violence or even respond. It’s still unclear how monsters line up with the law, and whether all the same rules apply to them. In some more conservative states killing a monster isn’t even considered murder. There are very few monster safe spaces, and a huge amount of monsters are stuck in government funded ghettos. Despite the segregation, a movement of self proclaimed allies has risen. While vocal they are generally unhelpful. The daily life of a monster is stressful. Everything from obtaining a job to getting a table at a restaurant is unnecessarily difficult. Transversing public places is anxiety inducing. While the general environment is hostile, there are bigger cities that are more welcoming, such as Los Angeles and New York. Unfortunately the cost of living makes settling in such places very difficult. Overall history has hit an unsettling downswing that makes life very unappealing for anyone who falls outside the norm.

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