shared world between me and avery

2 kids get stuck in an arcade. shit goes DOWN

rpg horror-esque

(this world is still a WIP so don't mind us-) -Avery


two teens are trapped in an arcade and are trying to escape. one has seen some shit, the other has done some shit. this is their punishment.

they have to solve a series of puzzles, most time based, or die. they go through dungeons/stages/levels and it slowly morphs into their memories and have to live through it again.


each gets 3 'lives', which are connected to phones they each get. they can get 'health' back by charging their phones after completing puzzles as a reward.
generally, the colours are set like the hp bars in pokemon: green, lime, yellow, red. green has no side affects. lime, you start to feel dizzy/tired/in pain, depending on your sensitivity, which is predetermined by the phone. yellow is aching pain in your chest, flaring to the other parts of you the deeper the yellow gets. red, you're either in excruciating pain if you can summon the determination to stay awake, or you're unconscious.
once you run out, you're dead. if you lose all three, the phone shatters from the bottom going up into shards, with the words "GAME OVER" displaying on the screen.

usually referred to as "aftermath". aftermath either rises, stays at a static level, or declines, seemingly randomly. if they decide to test out it as they go, they'll find it changes depending on their decisions. 

AFTMATH is not aftermath. it actually stands for "affection materialization", and it rises the more closer they get. the higher the affection, the more the end will differ
in a way, it does mean aftermath - it determines how much it changes the aftermath of the journey. 


throughout the story, they have the options to either stay distanced or grow closer to each other by doing certain things to raise the level.
the amount of affection they have at the end changes the ending/remorse/guilt
they travel through video games and through memories to learn of what the other has done/has had done to them
in the end, the arcade's rules are that you have to kill the other person to leave.

low affection:
high affection:


low affection:
high affection: 


after the other two endings are completed, there will be a new game+. this new game is exactly the same except at the end, before they find out they have to kill each other, a feather is on the ground in front of them. one tries to pick up the feather, but it's too heavy. so the other tries, and as soon as both of them touch the feather, they're sent through flashbacks of the other 2 endings. they find out in the end, no matter which ending, neither is truly happy. this branches off into NEUTRAL and TRUE depending on what dialogue is selected.


to get this ending, when prompted what to do, [__] must be firm in their decision to leave, but firm in their decision for both to stay alive. they take a knife each in one hand, and the other's hand in the other, and walk down the corridor in defiance to face the mastermind of the arcade

the mastermind is JUNKO ENOSHIMA no im jk
its their conscience, grown with hate until it grew into a being and wrought karma



a-yeon | 19 | korean


vren | 21 | japanese


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