The Universe

Welcome to the Universe!

So I have decided to change things up, any character that doesn't have art is now authorized only. I've been far too excited about my Universe and have given out far too much information that would ruin planned books and mysteries of the Universe. I’ve become far more serious about this book writing thing that I was a few months ago. Realizing that giving out so much lore is actually hindering what I am trying to do. I have also taken down lore tidbits that would be spoilers from character profiles that are still around. Avie is really the only one that didn't get 'all' of it hidden.

A good chunk of these characters are MAJOR wips in the design department. Almost all of them have TONS of lore, personality traits, and what not. I just have a really hard time drawing humanoid creatures so it could be a while before I actually design them, though I know what they all look like (for the post part). Soon, soon I will let them freeeee.

But feel free to snoop around their pages. Most of them have a lot of lore already written and available for them, including any available literatures.

There will be spelling mistakes. I hate how makes their descriptions just a coding zone and it can't tell spelling mistakes. Am too dislexic to notice shit sometimes or too lazy to put it all in a text editor and fix it till later on.