A country in Thedas south of Orlais in the Sunless Lands. Only the Chasind have dared brave venturing that far into the snowy wasteland. But even they were unaware of the flourishing kingdom that lay hidden beneath the blizzards. It has many traits and customs unique to it’s lands. Including being bountiful in unique exquisite truffles, mines rich in ores, a mysterious incredibly contagious illness in the region that drives canines to a maddening death and the native Lanish people having an affinity for direboars.


Coin Terms

Much like Fereldens call their gold, silver and bronze coins different names than Orlais or Antiva does etc. Svetlana have their own names for the gold, silver and bronze currency. 

Gold = Chervony/chervonets

Silver = Ruble

Bronze = Kopek

What of the Chantry in Svetlana? 

The Chantry and the Andrastian faith was instilled a long long time ago in Svetlana, but when the mysterious Mad Howling Disease (Volkspit illness) surfaced, the nation fell into intial catastrophe from the contagion turning all the canines in the region into mad monsters that attacked people, cannibalised their own and then prompty died after. They’d transfer it to people who would do the same, resulting in thousands of deaths. The Chantry abandoned Svetlana as a dying nation. Leaving its people with nothing but the empty religious buildings left. Thankfully a few have taken up the mantle to keep the religion alive separate from the organised church.


Since the Chantries were abandoned a collection of tiny Abbeys were built all around Svetlana for its people to seek if they still wish to pursue a religious life. Unlike the chantries prior though, they are run by Lanish Monks who teach the Chant of Light and offer spiritual support, but also teach combat to those who choose to study it, characterised by the symbols on the fabric they wear.


The formidable no-weapon combat style they teach is also taught in it’s most basic, non-magical form mainstream to the guards and soldiers of Svetlana. While fluid and entrancing to watch in action it is not at all flowery and is instead very brutal and efficient. 

The spirituality required to connect with the source of strength the monks have (suspected by some to be a form of blood magic) allows the masters of this art to strike with their limbs with, at least: equal ferocity to armed opponents, and at most: terrifying strength that lends credence to the belief of blood magic possibly being involved. 

What is the Circle like there?

Given there is only one Circle of Magi in Svetlana, all the mages live in the Neboglaz Circle in the Neboglaz Cathedral. A stunning, red building of which used to be a Chantry sitting on the perpetually frozen Lake of Glass.


There is a unique bond and friendship between the Templars and the Mages there. When the chantry left and took all their lyrium with them, it was the mages who helped those who previously oppressed them in their life and death struggle with lyrium withdrawals. Unlike other circles, being a Templar in Svetlana means being in a close kinship to its mages, protecting them and others from them out of genuine care and loyalty rather than as a cold hand of the law. Mages are not kept confined against their will, but most would not want to leave the cathedral as it has free meals, warm beds and a loyal community for it’s people as well as being a safe place to study magic.

The Elven Alienage

The Nikita elven alienage is a tough life and a harrowing sight for an outsider that happens to visit it, as poverty is unforgiving in freezing weather. It’s not uncommon to find elven bodies frozen on the streets in the alienage and then snowed over. Until now it has been neglected. And a Dalish Clan hasn’t been spotted in Svetlana’s lands in a few hundred years.

Notable Culture

As it was evidenced in art and architecture Lanish people used to tame wolves to protect them from the bears occupying the wild of their kingdom. After the mysterious Volkspit illness wiped them all out, wolf statues and art have since become bad omens in their culture. The only place where the wolf statues could not be removed was Neboglaz Cathedral. Direboars have essentially replaced dogs. And for that reason they do not eat pork.

Svetlana’s Legacy

Despite it’s isolation for the last hundred years Svetlana does well for itself in terms of exports, supplying unique truffles to Orlais that are rich in their lands beneath the snow, as well as plentiful ore in their many mines. 

But most are interested in their legendary blades, known for their efficiency, sturdiness and enduring sharpness. When their swords first surfaced outside of Svetlana, several families of dwarves travelled to the kingdom to learn of the craft, and ended up staying. Now they along with other Lanish smiths who know of the secret Lanish smithing techniques are part of a guild, and are known as the Kuznets, the only dwarves in Svetlana are usually part of this guild.

The weaponsmiths of Svetlana create two trademark blade types, sabres called Shashkas:


and shorter swords called Kinjals:


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