
This world is still heavily a work in progress, only recently did i decide i wanted to expand on it a bit more.
With that said, please enjoy what i have in mind for it so far, because i love world building a lot.

Set on a world still in its 'medieval' period, this currently unnamed planet is home to all sorts of races, usually out to ruin the others.
Nothing is easy in the universe of Plight. In fact the nickname 'plight' is used because everything in every characters existence is
a long, painful journey to get what they dream, filled with grief or obstacles.

Indeed, the world is a dark, troubled place. It's often hard to find peace no matter where you are on it's continents.
Cities are usually dirty and filled with sickly, vile people. Races either war with each other or are completely segregated from society. People thieve and kill the innocent for their own gain and nothing seems to be getting any better as the years advance. In a world like this, demons and monsters have a loooovely time giving the gross inhabitants a run for their money (usually by killing or cursing them).

The world is largely unexplored, the world map would only be a few continents because people just havnt gone far enough. The landscape is very norwegion/finland/swedon-like. 
Mostly pine trees, tall snowy mountains and almost ALWAYS over cast, storming or teasing you into thinking its going to rain soon.

Plight is the home of Asunder, one of my main personas. Things arent just sad and awful for him, it seems the whole world is cursed in some way or another.

Dominant Species/Races

In order of population numbers and influence, there are many different races in the world of Plight.


  • The Brawn
  • Most numerous around the world.
  • Able to live in almost any climate.
  • Build and live in large kingdoms and settlements with others of their kind.
  • Consider all other species that have human traits to be 'lesser' and 'impure' versions of humankind. (Eg. A Faun is just an imperfection of the human form, being mixed with an animal that lives on farms)
  • Varied in appearance, considerably taller than Fauns and Harpies but shorter than Centaurs.
  • Love to battle and rage war on themselves and other races.
  • Due to condensed settlements, more likely to become ill or straight up just be dirty.
  • Considered brash, loud but also courageous and proud by other species.
  • Good with almost all kinds of weapons but known for using swords and axes the most.
  • Are in a war with both their people and the fauns.


  • The Intelligent
  • Half human, Half goat OR deer.
  • Not quite as common as humans, but still large in number.
  • Enjoy being close to nature, likely due to their animal natures.
  • Live in spread out camps, settlements and groups. Often known for their distinct large tents.
  • Are extremely close to their families. Care a great deal about protecting them.
  • Can be based off any number of real world goat and deer species.
  • Dislike humans A LOT but are relatively accepting of other races/species.
  • Known to be great rogues and adept with daggers, bows and crossbows.
  • Are in a war with humans.


  • The Mysterious
  • Half Human, Half Fish
  • Spend all their time underwater in beautiful cities rarely ever seen by land dwellers.
  • Has a common myth that they make wishes come true, not true whatsoever.
  • Are considered very beautiful, because of this, other races (mainly humans) tend to hunt them down for their scales, meat and for slavery.
  • Sometimes confused with mermaids, sirens are a serious threat.
  • Sirens are almost completely monsters, but show enough intelligence and organization to be considered a race.
  • Sirens change their form to appear as whatever the viewer desires in a sexual fantasy. They're often said to appear as mermaids from a distance to trick humans into coming closer, then turn into what they really want up close.
  • Upon tricking and hypnotising the victim, the sirens (working together like a pack of raptors) turn into their true terrifying sea monster selves and drown the victims before eating them.
  • Because of this, sirens are actually a bigger danger to the mermaid societies than culling and slavery.
  • Use a lot of tridents as you can imagine.


  • The Mischievous
  • Half Human, Half Bird
  • Live in simple nest clusters in large trees or cliff faces.
  • Try not to spend much time on the ground as possible, try to hunt from the sky whenever they can.
  • Some species have human arms AND wings, while others only have wings with finger like talons on the top similar to that of a bat.
  • Absolutely love collecting useless junk and shiny things to adding them to their nests.
  • For some species, this can be a way of attracting a mate. For others it relies on the males colourful plumage or specific singing/calls. Like normal real life birds.
  • Speak in their own, hard to recreate language. Are capable of learning the 'common tongue' but don't often care enough to teach themselves.
  • If a child is falls out of its nest or is unable to fly away when the clans are ready to move on, they are left for dead. Harpy families can be harsh on their children.
  • Harpies are a bit shorter than Fauns.
  • Are usually considered pests due to being willing to eat almost anything, including old carcases and junk, as well as a unwillingness to learn common tongue and converse with other races.
  • Harpies with human arms are known to use spears very well, while others like to make bombs and hold large clusters of them in their talons, dropping them on the unlucky.



Demons and Angels, the Sinned and the Blessed

Demons are extremely numourous where as angels are not. Some believe there are twice the amount of demons in the underworld than there is humans.
Demons are often classified by different sins or negative feelings. Eg. Envy, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony
Angels are not nearly as beautiful as tomes make them out to be. Their bodies are usually fine, but the heads have no noticable eyes and a cartlage crest than goes from their nose all the way up like horns, into the shape of a halo. 
Angels are known for granting wishes, but what isnt commonly known is that angels can take back their good fortune whenever they like, sometimes leaving people in worse places than they began in.
Demons use any and all excuses to come to the world of the living to ruin shit and have fun, while angels avoid being seen at all costs and only intetvene when bored or feel like its their right to.

Centaurs, the Bold

Are reletivly spread out.
Very nomadic
Try to stay out of conflict entirely, especially wars where many often seek them out to help.
If however forced to pick a side, they will always choose the fauns.
Incredible with maces and archery.

Dragons, the Wise

May be very animalistic, but due to their advanced intelegence, they are considered a race.
Very knowledgeable and beautful. Always hunted for their body parts and wizdom.
Only speak to those who they know have kind hearts, otherwise they either hide or attack them.
Capible of speaking any and all languages. Almost always live by themselves in caves, heavily forested areas and mountains in order to protect their already dying out kind.

Sphinges, the Trickers

Extremely rare, sphinges (Plural of Sphinx) were said to have extensive societies in the past, but now only 5 are known to live in the world at any one time.
When a sphinx dies at the age of 300 (or prematurly), a new one is 'born' fully grown from its carcase.
Said to know even more about the world than dragons, but due to their rarity and riddles, are basically useless in the pursuite of happiness. Especially since they convince you to kill yourself in front of them if you get the riddles wrong.
Half human, half lion and partially bird (wings only).
Males are born far less often than females, at a 1/100 rate. 
Currently, there is 1 male and 4 females alive in the world.

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