once upon a time, in the barney era of the world, there was a show called Lilly and Jackal Face Their Fears. this was a children's show in which jackal, a dentist who never took off his surgical mask, and lilly little, a 9 year old girl who treated jackal as a father figure, talked about different common fears and how they weren't really much to be scared of. this was done by bringing representations of each fear onto the show, where the duo would figure out how to deal with each one in a rational way, suitable for children. :)

the show was very popular for a few years, but lilly's actor, who shared the same name as the character she played, soon grew too old, and the idea of replacing her with another child was almost blasphemous to its fans. thus, it fell into obscurity.

ten years later, lilly is heading to a dentist appointment when she finds that her dentist looks exactly like jackal. not finding this funny at all, she immediately tries to leave, only to choose what was decidedly the wrong door, before falling into what seemed to be a bottomless pit, taking "jackal" with her.

what she soon finds out is that she's been brought to a world in which jackal and the other characters in LAJFTF are real. this world has been overtaken by [INSERT BIG BADDIE HERE], who convinced all of the characters that there was power in scaring people and that lilly and jackal were cruel for taking this power away from them. with the original lilly little having disappeared, this adult lilly must make her way through this new and foreign world without disappearing herself.

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