
Middle range of rarity/dominance.

Powers develop around five or six years old. 

Electric users have conductive skin on their hands, and hair much more susceptible to static to use their powers. Usually unpredictable and wild as electricity is difficult to control. They can take electricity from buildings and other things, and can power them as well. Can make electric bolts, and can sense electricity in other things. Skilled users can sense the 'energy' of other people, using small electric pulses. Electric users can have a bad buildup if powers are not used for a while, and electric sparks will come off uncontrollably from their body. 

No backlash from using powers too much besides running out of energy, if they absorb too much electricity it can kill them.

Male Female Human Wings Winged female Fox Electric Kitsfell human Kitsune Kegtoko elementalearth male Ice green Cat Psychic purple Spirit