


  • Scientific NameHomo Reptilia Crocodilia
  • ClassGreater Species
  • UniverseElemental Earth
  • Average height6'2"-6'7"
  • Average Weight170-210 lbs

Lizo are one of the greater species in the world, along with Humans, Winged, and Kegtoko. The greater species are the equivalent of humanoids and make up society, living similar to how our real world runs.




Lizo have the basic appearance looking like a giant anthropomorphic lizard. They have a scaly body with a darker color as the main color, and a lighter color as highlights. There’s a limit to the colors a Lizo’s scales can be, but the shades can vary some. The main body scales tend to be darker than the highlights, though occasionally there have been light colored Lizos seen. The highlight color makes up their chest and belly scales, as well as scales on the palms and on the bottom of their feet. Though Lizo are commonly having patterns throughout their body that use the highlight color. (you can see examples of patterns on Kiera and Francis)


Head guide




The most notable appearance of Lizo is their extremely long and sturdy tails. These tails are typically longer than the height of their bodies, and are prehensile. This means that they can use their tails to grab onto and pick up objects. The tails can freely move and bend around almost completely.



Lizo have these long sharpened claws on their hands and feet. In ancient times, these claws were used by the Lizo for hunting for food. In current times they don’t have much use for these claws other than aesthetic purposes, but because of them, Lizo don’t really wear gloves or shoes as they won’t really fit. Some Lizo will paint and decorate their claws much like a human will paint their nails



Elemental Powers

Lizo are able to use one of the five elemental powers of this world; wind, fire, electric, ice, and psychic. This is indicated by their eye color. The powers they have are typically weaker than a human using them, as they can only shoot the powers from their hands or mouths, the exception being psychic Lizo can levitate some objects, and sense souls of other species. Though the Lizo's elemental powers don't have the same dominance as a humans, where it seems to give on of the powers from one of the parents or at times grandparents to the child.



Lizo have powerful tough bodies, with the scales they have helping give them protection where they could possibly need within a fight or a spar. Lizo also tend to be able to take falls better than the other species, as their scales provide a little padding to them. Because of this Lizo seem to be able to be just big walls when doing any sort of fighting or heavy work, though they can tire out very easily.





No one quite knows for sure how the Lizo came to be. The only thing people know is that they have seemed to have descended from the dragons, as some intelligent dragons have learned human language and how to use tools. This would explain their ability to use elemental powers as well, as dragons are able to use all of them. Lizo may have developed in response to the growing population of humans, and adapted to be more like them. And over time, their apperance changed, until they became the Lizo known today


Home invasions

Lizo and humans at first tended to get along together, but after Winged started coming to be, and humans and Winged fought more, Lizo oftentimes found themselves caught in the middle of the conflicts, with their homes sometimes being burnt down from the fighting. Many Lizo had to flee their hometowns during this time.


Forcing Peace

In response to the home invasions, the Lizo and Kegtoko took matters into their own hands, trying to stop the fighting. They’d go to the human and Winged territories, and learned to live among them, and showing both of those species that living together is possible. While this didn’t end fights completely, it caused them to die down a lot, even if human and winged were still pretty far from getting along.

Male Female Human Wings Winged female Electric Fox Kitsune Kegtoko elementalearth male Kitsfell human Cat Psychic purple Ice green Half-wing