Rural Fantasy. The world is still as we know it, but just far less advanced, and possess magic.
Location and Bakground Info:

The moutain village is located in northern China, with the village nestled away quite deep in the moutain's naturally formed valley (think a little northwest of modern Beijing). It is blanketed on both sides by sprawling forests, filled with different nature, and mountain spirits. The round to the forests are all marked with little stones, and the stones get bigger the deeper you get into the forest, eventually leading you to a little shrine where villagers can make offerings to the mountain gods. The paths are unmarked past the shrine, and it is quite easy to get lost the deeper you go, for the forest spirits, thought friendly, are always looking for someone new to play tricks on.

Deeper into the forest leads you to a lake, filled with clear, almost glowing water. Villagers who make trips to it, and return, come back to say that the lake has magical properties, and can heal almost any wound. Most villagers who brave a trip that deep into the forest are usually there to gather some of the lake's water, in the hope of curing an unnatural disease, or insuring the safe birth of their children. The village elders only allow select villagers to go to the lake, for the fear or people abusing its power and angering the god or spirit that provides the village with such a gift.

The village is not so secluded that the outside world cannot find it. Many people from the town and city near the base of the moutain, as well as other parts of China, often make a trip to the mountain village for their annual mountain festive. There is lots of good food and attratcions, and is one of the only times that the forest spirits show themsleves in front of the general public, playing harmless tricks to entertain children and adult alike.

Hue's Home:

Located at the edge of town, near the begining of the forest. He was shunned from his village due to him being part forest fairy. The village believes that Magic is only for the spirits and gods to use, and that humans should not be able to poesess and wield it. Not all moutain villages / clans share this belief.

Hue built his home with his own bare hands and the help of the little magic he has. He is able to manipulate plants, much like his fairy spritit parent, and it allowed him to build a little cottage in which he lives. He often grows herbs and other plants on his home roof to use in potions and perfumes that he trades with the village. He also grows vegtables to use in his own food, albeit being a bad cook. He visits the forest shrine to pray daily and offer gifts to the mountain god.

Sometimes he will travel to the lake deeper in the forest and take some of the water there to use in his potions, hoping that the villagers who use his potions will stay safe from harm. The forest spirits don't bother him due to his lineage.

Other Places and Society:

- At the base of the mountain is a small bustling city. It is governed by a Prince or Princess, with a new one selected every three years. There is still social classes, thought everything is much more fair. The noble class gets the exact same treatment as the low class, the only difference between them being the amount of income they make. The Prince/Princess is also in charge of governing the other nearby cities, connected together by curving roads. They govern a 'state' and is usally in charge of overseeing and protecting every single city within their state, usually around four or five cities.

The Prince/Princess is protected by an elite team of magic wielders hand selected by themselves, consiting of roughly five-ten sorcerors. The Prince/Princess also has a normal militia, and stations them around the different cities they govern to offer protection. If any city falls under serious threat, the Prince/Princess will send one of their sorcerors to help keep the situation under control.

- Withing the city at the base of the moutain contains many brothels and bars. They are mostly in place for the lower class to have fun and let loose. One bar, named 'Honey', is particularly popular. It has a wide selection of magic weilding staff, and many people, even the higher classes, seem to flock to the bar to see the magic shows put on. The drinks there are also wonderful, with magic laced into them to create drinks with such unique flavours and properties that put other bars to shame. There are rumors that the head of the bar is actually a powerful spirit/god in disguise, but so far, no one has been able to prove those rumours true.

- Magic users, labelled as 'Sorcerors' are very scarce and are highly regarded. There is currently only one school for magic users to train, located farther south from Hue's moutain in a state called 'Shanluji'. Magic users use the grandly built school to train and hone their magic skills to help aide in wars.

Currently, Magic has four major categories: Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth. Combinations of the four major categories are not unheard of, such as lighning, and slight variations of each category is also common, such as a water sorceror weilding ice, or an earth sorceror creating earthquakes instead of summoning and growing plants. Sometimes sorcerors can have semi-strange appearances that pertain to their magic, but this is rather rare. For example, a water user can have water-like hair or limbs that are fully made of water. Most of the time, Magic presents itself in unique hair or eye colors (a ring of unnatural color around their pupils).

Festives and Traditons:

- The Mountain festive is a popular festive, happening sometime in Autumn. Each state has a moutain that people flock too to celebrate the mountain gods and fertility gods that allowed them to have a good harvest. There, people live offerings at the mountain shrines. Food is usually harvested near this period when the festival takes place, and food is shared between neighbours and friends. Special clothing is worn, usually bright colors such as orange, red, or gold. Many games take place on the mountain, with gold fish scooping, and lantern building. The festival lasts for a whole week.

- New Year festival is a festival celebrated at the turn of each new year. Much like the mountain festival, but celebrated at each person's home, with lots of food and offerings to the near years god shrine, which is a mini-shrine kept in each person's home. The Prince/Princess of each state always shows fireworks or magic tricks at their palace. This festival last for only three days


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