RP Plots/Timeline

🌿[E2045]: Earth is "destroyed" and Kavi deems it a lost cause. She creates Akis as a world for all the gods to engage peaceably on and start again. At the same time, Kavi takes up the role of Akis' protector, managing what is placed on it and ensuring corruption does not consume it as it did on Earth. Akis gets a "jump start", essentially starting at Earth's technology level and provided with some civilization and care
🌿[E4117, 2072]: Humanity discovers Akis is sharing their orbit. Akis, at this point, already knew about Earth and had even attempted to contact the people there, but their technology didn't sync with what Earth had
🌿[E4123, 2078]: Humans land on Akis on a discovery mission including Fred and Frank. They interact peaceably with the inhabitants on a small scale and preform (questionable) experiments on their own astronauts. Through the following years, more exploratory missions are sent out. Human activity on Akis increases with some people even intending to live there, having managed to gain access to the planet via "luxury space travel"
🌿[E4135, 2090]: Major human transport event with a large fleet of ships moving many humans onto a predetermined (by Earth) spot -New Posibility - on Akis. A settlement is erected and humanity begins to adapt to living on Akis. Everyone at this point is G1, so there are no magic-blooded humans. After this historic happening, there are a few more transportation events to the same settlement, but afterwards, things start to calm down. There is less human-moving activity

🍓 Background Noise: AKA the Mass RP. Begins June 12, 2132. Zacaly killed Shebiea and his girlfriend on the 6th then spent the remaining time terrorizing and killing the Culled Children from the unnamed Sprite village. The 12th is the final day of her killing spree and when she happens across Jahmir. Humanity has been on Akis long enough to spread some roots and, with it, tensions are growing. Akis is aware of what has happened to Earth and isn't eager for a repeat of a planet-killing event. Humanity, however, is keen on spreading and even reestablishing some Earth ideals such as capitalism and conquest

In the midst of this, the God of Bitterness has seen an opportunity. He sneaks from the god-realm onto Akis and establishes The Hidden Eyes, a group meant to antagonize the tension into a full-on war. The Hidden Eyes make many smaller sub groups with various eye-themed names including The Blind and the Insight. Things are reaching a fever pitch, but Zacaly and Jahmir, in their small world, are unaware. They disembark from the hidden biome in which Jahmir was imprisoned after glory-seekers set the place ablaze. Through misfortune alone, they are set on the path to confronting and defeating Bitterness
    ⭕ Vibe by Halflives
🌿 [Post 2132]: Bitterness is felled and many of the issues between humanity and Akis are resolved with the cruel god's influence removed. Akis establishes teleportation to Earth so that refugees may flee to the safer planet. During their adventure, Zacaly's group discovered the Goblin Muffin. Akis is shocked at the development of this expansive new species beneath their feet, but are otherwise welcoming. This causes Goblins to come out of hiding slowly and take up living on the surface of Akis as well as hidden in its underbelly

🍓 Gen 2: TBN. Begins August 3, 2150. Sick of Kavi's policing, a mass of minor deities gang up to make an attempt on her life as well as the lives of other high-ranking major deities on her side. Majorly weakened by the attack, Kavi and the others can do little but watch as the minors lay siege to Akis, taking over and doing whatever the please. Kavi is also kidnapped by the minors and held as a prisoner. Summoning what remains of their power, the high-ranking gods seek out past heros - the ones who defeated Bitterness. They bestow abnormally powerful Chosen blessings on their children in hope that they can return the minors to their proper place
   ⭕ Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
🌿 [Post 2150]: Elven Resurgence

🍓 The Coma: Begins around 2170 (at which time Obi is 13). Bitterness has dwelt on his mistakes and decides he's ready for another go at power. He forms an allegiance with a select few deities and then kidnaps the deity of sleep. He then disappears with his cronies doing their best to keep the more powerful gods off his tail. Meanwhile, on Akis, everyone age 19 and under falls into a deep, unshakable coma. Adults panic while the teenagers find themselves in a massive shared dream created by Sleep in a plea for help. A small group, including Obi and his brothers, is guided down a garbled path to break free of the unconsciousness. Once they break free, it forms a beacon that allows the other gods to track down Bitterness and imprison him, freeing Sleep and waking everyone in the coma

🍓 The Galactic BleedAKA the Space RP. Begins around 2201 (at which time Reinhard is 13)