๐Ÿšฆ Welcome to StreetClan, a warrior cats city AU! ๐Ÿšฆ

our official name generator

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Many many generations ago, a group of violent criminals and rebels were banished from SkyClan, as well as a few stragglers who left the Clan by choice because they believed the banished cats deserved a second chance, and that they were right to act out against SkyClan's then-corrupt leader.
With SkyClan's forest out of the option for a home, the cats were forced to travel to the other Clan's forest in search of a new life. But when they arrived, the forest had been completely destroyed, torn down and built up into a massive city, connecting all the way from the twolegplace to BloodClan's old city. With the cats exhausted, and the seemingly neverending city looming ahead of them, their only option was to settle within the city itself.

After many generations, the cats began learning new words related to city life, and began naming their kits after them. Slowly, forest-related names began disappearing from their culture, as they shunned the forest life they had been banished from.
Today, they have a wide vocabulary of various human and city words, and use them almost exclusively as names.

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In the city, every day is a step between life and death. Dogs, raccoons, opossums, rats, rogues, Gang members, and humans attack and capture the Clanmates. Food scraps could be filled with rat poison or maggots, their few sources of water could be contaminated, animal bites could cause rabies, rot, and infection, and the sickening fumes in the air itself could cause sickness and coughs. Construction sites, cars and highways, fallen wires, litter, and flooded sewage systems are just a few of the dangers they could encounter.

As the founders did not have a medicine cat, and very few of the traditional herbs can be found in the city, they've had to relearn their healing methods from kittypets and strays. Sometimes, the last desperate cure is hoping a human will take a dying Clanmate to the vet, and maybe they can find their way home.

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Most cats are covered in various scars, and wear them with pride, boasting the stories of how they got each and every one. In this Clan's culture, scars are seen as a mark of success, and never failure.
Cats may also have missing limbs, and ones that were taken to the vet for desperate last-measure healing (and escaped) may have had professional amputations to cure infection or rot. These will have cleaner, more deliberate looks than just a torn off limb.

It's very common for these cats to be filthy, messy, and just downright disgusting. Make some good ol stinky boyes!
Sometimes, a cat may be covered with a poisonous or sickly substance, such as oil, tar, or just unknown muck. It may be difficult for them to clean, as water supply is unstable, and impossible for them to lick, so they just have to stay dirty.

Cats may have missing fur, or no fur at all.
This could be due to their breed, mange/disease, or injury. Since kittypets commonly join the clan, purebred cats and uncommon breed mixes are possible.

All loyal cats are welcome to the Clan, including kittypets. This means cats may still wear accessories put on them by humans, such as collars, bandanas, harnesses, and even leashes. Alternately, anything a cat could have realistically gotten on itself is fair game, such as bones, teeth, litter/trash, flowers/plants, feathers, and other things found on the street. Please no wings or weird stuff!

A cat with a human-made ear notch (1/4 inch removed from the left ear) has been caught for stray control, and is infertile. They cannot have kits.

Any fur colors are fair game, as long as they can be explained! If there's an unnatural color, did a human dye it? If they're green, is it due to moss or mold? Think up a story! (If you want to make an entirely unnaturally colored cat, review it with one of the moderators! We don't want every single character to be colorful, we want some variation).

Markings don't have to be realistic, as long as they're not absurd. For instance, a cat can have several coat colors, unnatural stripes or patterns, unnatural eye colors, etc, but not symbols or words. (leaders have a โœฆ marking if they've received their 9 lives)

Symbols and words can only be included if they were graffitied on by a human. Please don't put any offensive slang or symbols on your cats, though! We want everyone to feel safe.

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You're welcome to use our name generator to think up a name, keep it or alter it however you want, or just think up your own!

Please don't name two cats exactly the same thing!

Kittypets and former kittypets can be named anything. They were named by humans, and humans are weird! If you want your warrior to have a crazy prefix, have them be a former kittypet with that prefix as their kittypet name. However, their suffix has to be plausibly thought up by cats. Think back to those weird canon SkyClan cat names - shoutout to Billystorm!

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The Clan Code:

With these cats being isolated, and the founders wanting to rebel from traditional SkyClan culture, their warrior code is altered. It is as follows:

1. Defend the Clan, even with your life.ย 

2. Every cat deserves a second chance.

3. All loyal cats are cats of the Clan, no matter their origin, and shall be accepted as such.
Disloyalty is the greatest crime.

4. Scars are a mark of victory, not defeat. If you've survived, you've never failed.

5. Elders, queens, kits, and the sick or injured must be fed before warriors and apprentices can eat.
The leader's job is to do what's best for the Clan, and can only eat once they've ensured the rest of
the Clan is fed.

6. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice, and must be a warrior to mate. All
genders, identities, and sexualities are accepted and valid. A warrior may never have a relationship
with a kit, apprentice, or kin.

7. The deputy will become Clan leader when the current leader dies, retires, or is exiled. They must
return from the Moonstone with 9 lives, or their leadership may be challenged.

8. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.

9. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, no matter their origin. Kits and apprentices will
make mistakes, as it's a part of growing, and can never be banished or exiled. Physical punishmentย 

is never permitted.

10. Be loyal to your leader if your leader is loyal to you. Rebellion may be necessary for the good of the Clan.

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