Delta started as a guild of peacekeepers similar to the knights of the round, selecting and breeding the strongest and most just, marking their soldiers with blue stripes commonly on the ears or similar protuberances. Over the centuries, as science and technology evolved, more focus was put into enhancements and strengthening their supersoldiers. And it lead to corruption. Focus on peacekeeping and morals were lost and misguided as it expanded on the aspects of making stronger and stronger creatures, many of the past soldiers dying off or killed. As morality faded, so did their open presence in the world as projects were hidden from public eye and research moved underground. By present day they were seemingly just a lesser-known biotech company.
Now, in an almost apocalyptic dystopia, with cities of humans and anthro creatures spread out between wastelands and unforgiving wilderness, the void is discovered, a hellish beast roams, and an ancient hero returns.
Can the hero come to terms with the change?
Will the beast be stopped?
How far will corruption spread?

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