Disclaimer: Do not use these ideas anywhere else or claim you are in any way affiliated with me or the realm.

The Yugo realm is a dream realm, catching those who fall asleep into his hands. A realm guided by the Man in the Moon, his kindness allows for those who seek to take their dream a step further and continue their working hours beyond the existing reality. It's a world whom's key you are granted through a good will, and enough magical power. You will be assigned a familiar, a weapon given by said familiar; but beware for their trust is hard to gain. From here on, you will travel through universes and guide people on spiritual quests and the like. The better your intentions are, the more some worlds will open up and reveal themselves to your mortal eyes. The more power you have, the more other worlds will respect you in become visible for they now see you as a worthy guest. But not all is well for there are many dangers laying ahead...

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