Integrating Worlds

Integrating Worlds is based in a time where there are only Small Villages and Kingdoms, with pirates out at sea. Everything is built and formed around semi-feral animals who are not limited to being on all fours at all times. They can grab things with hand-like paws(dew claws are more functional), stand on their hind legs for short amounts of time, and mainly carry their swords and other weapons in their mouths. They also can wear clothes that are fastened by magnets and clips. 

Beings and Spirits


The Worlds and their Story

Integrating Worlds is a story based on two worlds trying to become one once again. The Real World and the Spirit world had once coexisted together, thousands of years ago. All was peaceful and the two had close bonds. When a Being was born they were assigned a Spirit to help guide them throughout their life. No matter the rank, whether you lived in the kingdom or somewhere completely unknown, you had a Spirit of your own. These Spirits were loyal to each Being, and others they associated with. Spirits could communicate amongst each other and build bonds as a Being would. A loss for a Being was an equal loss for the Spirit. For hundreds of years, the two lived in perfect harmony. Although the Being World enjoyed and didn't take their Spirits for granted, there were those who wanted to take advantage.

 A war broke out, separating the two worlds, making the Spirits retreat back into their own domain, sealed away from the Beings. Those will ill intentions had succeeded and got what they wanted, but not without consequences.