flying high AU's Bulletins


Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by snow_woof

should i work on anything?

0 Votes the characters
1 Votes the story in general
0 Votes snow is too OP
0 Votes anything else comment
0 Votes NO

this Au is one of the many AUs i made. in this au Snow lives with house-folks (humans) for the first part. she is treated poorly by the other dogs in the house. she was locked out in the rain at one point that gave her the choice to run away. without her knowing the house folk decided to form a search party for snow. at that point she made it to a clearing on the side of a motor way (highway if your in america) under that she found a small jack Russel puppy that had been abandoned by his mother ad he was too small. she took care of him before one night while crossing the road with him on the way back from hunting, he got run over and then passed. snow felt very guilty so in her shame she hid away in a forest. there she found a spirit dog. she didn't believe it as she didn't have wings or a halo. she told her that at the rise of the moon she will fly and fall. snow didn't think much of it so she kept on going deeper into the woods. the trees got denser and denser as if they where closing up on her. as what seemed like forever she found a small path that lead into a park. it all happened so fast when vixen spotted her and then started a chase. she ran back into the forest but nothing could get them off her tail until she stopped at a cliff. she was surrounded with nowhere to go s she jumped. to her surprise she didn't end up falling to her fate. she had wings she was flying! WIP