The Nine & The Zodiac


Cosmology, Zodiac & The Nine

An overview of the mythology of The Dreamborne

The Cosmology

I. Prelude

Aether, Essence and Void.

Three vital substances, the elements from which all things are born, and to which all things must eventually return.

In the beginning, they churned and roiled, combining and separating and combining again in the nothingness of the Great Beyond, twisting, raging, until — at last — they settled.

And in their settling, came the First Ones.

II. Confluence

One by one they came into being, the elements imbuing the Great Beyond with their magic, and one by one they formed, and awakened, and reached out.

Among them were great dreamers, with the stories of creation written in their hearts, while others learned to shape the elements to their will, to bring these stories into form.

Within most was a longing to understand and to explore, to traverse the Great Beyond — seeking what, they did not know — but in their travels, bringing the forces of existence with them, expanding their influence into the vast, vast nothingness.

One by one, the First Ones left their birthplace, until only a small few remained, for they had grown fond of one another in their nascency and did not wish to part. Of similar drive and desire they were, delighting one another with their tales and playing among the elements, forming shapes and concepts from their substance.

In time, it was decided — though they did not always agree in their designs, they were capable of more together than apart.

III. Creation

After much toil and deliberation, the First Ones set to work, weaving the Aether and the Essence and the Void into a tapestry of shape and form and concept.

They brought forth the existence of all things — of earth and fire, air and water, light and shadow; of spirit and magic and flesh.

And in this little world, once it was nearly complete, they placed their most beloved creation.


Spreading like a blaze, it blossomed in its myriad forms, from the verdant wilds, to the depths of the ocean, to the deepest places beneath the earth. Each creature was a pinpoint in an intricate web, all balanced with the most delicate precision, each with a role and a function, each loved dearly by their creators.

Of these creatures, however, there were only a few that the First Ones had made most in their image. The custodians, they were, capable of creation in their own little ways, makers of art and story and song. With their little hands, they made tools and raised villages, and with their little voices sang praise to their creators, who in turn lavished them in love and attention.

So enamored by the songs of their creations, the First Ones sought to make their world perfect, but in this found much difficulty — for like the First Ones themselves, their songs were not always in harmony.

IV. Divergence

"The sky grows too dark when the moon is new! Oh Illuminated One, take pity on my people, for we fear for ourselves in the dead of night!"

"It is too bright, Lord of Deep Places, and the garish sun pains me to stand in! Bathe the world in shadow, so that I may stand in all places!"

"Mother of the Wilds, we cannot always catch the fleet-footed beasts! Tame them, we beg, so we may never go hungry!"

"Oh, Great Hunter! Provide us with challenge, so that we may show our strength and dominion over even the most savage of your creatures! We crave the hunt, and its valor!"

So began the schism between the First Ones. Though they did not always agree on the makeup of their world, its balance of light and shadow, the nature of its magics and its creatures, their delight in its creation was enough to pacify their quarrels.

Now, though, with so many little voices calling out to them, it was all too easy to remember past differences. In their struggle to please their creations, the countless tiny alterations each made to the world grew greater and greater until neither the First Ones nor their Children could find peace.

In this, two factions emerged — those who loved the Aether, the light and order and illumination of things, and those who loved the Void, with its dark mysteries and tranquil shadow. They began to argue bitterly, unable to agree on a balance that suited all, until it became apparent that compromise could never be met.

After much grief, it was decided — they would split their world in two, so each faction could rule their lands as they saw fit, and care for their people as they needed.

Six there were on either side, with three who loved all, regardless of its makeup, and these three would move between the worlds as they pleased, welcome in both Pantheons to this day.

And so, their creations were put into a slumber, and they set about unravelling their little world, untangling their creation until two worlds remained in its place — one of light, and one of darkness.

Above and Below.

V. Reawakening

Slowly, the children of each world awoke, and for a time, there was peace, for now there were fewer obstacles for the First Ones to care for all of their creatures. They took pleasure in their creations once more, nurturing and meddling and listening to their songs. To their people, they provided all things, for their lives were short — any life is short, when you are so old as the First Ones — and they loved them dearly.

Soon, however, each Pantheon realized that it was not rival collaborators who had created their vexation, but the meddling itself which was its source. As their beloved creations grew in number, they demanded much. Where one plea was answered, one would be left unregarded, for in their imperfection and limited ability, the First Ones could not acquiesce to every whim.

Still, they could not bear to leave their people without aid, so Cyllenus, Facilitator between the Pantheons, gifted his brethren with the Messengers.

VI. Dissolution

The Messengers were a gift beloved by their Pantheons, and through them, the First Ones could speak to their creations and guide them, in place of meddling directly in their lives.

No more were mountains raised and flattened, marshes drained and filled, rivers turned to streams and streams to great, wide lakes. No more were beasts changed to suit the needs of the Children, or edible plants grown in well-tended gardens for their pleasure and sustenance — now, they would learn to use what was given to them, the Messengers speaking the guidance of their creators.

And though it pained them, the First Ones at last took their shaping hands from their worlds and, in their place, left knowledge.

Gradually a balance was reached between within the two worlds, and gradually the little voices quieted their songs in volume and number, for they now did not depend so fully on their creators for their needs. They worked their land, and tamed its beasts, and planted their own gardens, and their creators were proud.

Only, after awhile, there remained a single piece that did not fit into the balance.

The Messengers.

Their task, however much they yearned to fill it, was full of strife and longing. For despite their devotion, some grew bitter, as not all messages were pleasant to deliver, and not all receivers were grateful in their receiving. Many, too, became enamored with the world they visited, with their myriad creations, and fell to melancholy that they could never truly join it.

It was the Great Liberator, Eleutherias, who first saw this folly, and with the soothing words of Cyllenus, they sought to release the Messengers from their fate. At first, the Pantheons were loathe to relinquish their gifts, for they loved them dearly and they served their purpose well. But what was love, if it caused its objects such distress?

With bitter hearts, the First Ones said farewell and lulled them to sleep, severing the strings of their connection, changing and shaping them until at last they awoke, suited to their worlds and woven deep into their fabric.

In this, the Pantheons swore to watch their creations and meddle only in small ways, for finally, a balance had been struck.

And so was, so it is, and so it shall be.

The Nine of Below

Kthonios, The Emperor

The leader of the Gods of Below, Kthonios embodies the benevolent ruler. He is wise, patient and generous, defending his realm and watching over his people. While understanding, he is not to be crossed, however, as he is also the one who doles out justice to those who threaten his realm, citizen or not. With an iron hand, he governs over authority, resolve, justice, hospitality, oaths, generosity and discipline.

Oreia, The Protector

Oreia is protection personified, often represented by mountains. She is the caring parent and the sacrificing guardian. Her duty is to lend her strength, courage, fortitude and grace to the realm, allowing them to weather the bad and live to see the good. She governs over the home, parenthood, family, defending the weak, nourishment and sacrifice.

Asteria, The Magician

Called The Magician, Asteria is primarily a God of sorcery and hidden knowledge. She will guide us while we traverse the unknown, lending us her wit, sagacity and intuition. Her sphere is that of witchcraft, magic, alchemy, herbalism and prophecy, allowing us to better our lives through experimentation and discovery.

Kallistos, The Hunter

The Hunt associated with Kallistos is not always literal—it encompasses all things we wish to find and capture. With his far-reaching bow, Kallistos aids those who desire, giving them the ambition, cunning and charisma to find what we seek, whether it be prey to nourish our family or a romantic interest. He governs over achievement, romance, searching and finding.

Mnemosyne, The Wise

Described as The Wise, Mnemosyne's sphere is that of gaining knowledge and utilizing it well. She governs over study and learning, but not only in a mental capacity—she is also prayed to for physical skill as well. As such, she is the master of dexterity, the skill associated with all arts, and practicing tirelessly until we are the master of our bodies.

Enyo, The Warrior

As the Warrior, Enyo embodies both the chaos and ruthless cunning of war. While Kallistos is romance, she is burning passion. Where he is ambition, she is the ruthless conqueror. She will fight fiercely, but defend what is hers just as fiercely as well. She will assist in battles both literal and metaphorical, lending her passion and courage to the realm.

Eleuthereus, The Liberator

Eleuthereus is a two-fold deity, as Liberation can mean breaking free of those that wish to oppress you, but also reckless abandon, madness and chaos. He is the God of enjoyment and entertainment, embodying the passion and elation of drink, celebration and song. However, as he is found in the tipsy ecstasy of a good party, he is also found in the riot, the bar fight and the drunken rage. Because of this, many will ask him for his wisdom and temperance along with the liberation he provides.

Cyllenus, The Facilitator

The God of exchange, Cyllenus is the oil that keeps the gears of the realm moving. He is considered to be the busiest of the Gods, as exchange is something both literal figurative. He is the exchange of goods, as the God of Trade, but also the God of Thieves. The exchange he governs can be that of ideas. As such, he is the God of language and writing. One will also pray to him for safe travel, as he is, when boiled down to his bare essence, the God of motion.

Eleusinia, The Empress

Eleusinia has many different roles. As the Empress, she is her stoic consort's warm counterpart, the diplomat and the forgiving ruler who wants the best for her people. However, she is also called "The Maiden" due to her youthful appearance and connection to life and vitality. In governing over life, she also governs over death, watching over the dead in her realm. One would pray to her for vitality, diplomacy, patience and courage in the face of mortality.

The Nine of Above

The Zodiac

Depending on what time of day they are born, Nightmares assign one of nine Zodiac signs. Many Nightmares believe that this is an immutable quality, that one's life is mapped out ahead of them the moment they are born.

However, many believe destiny is not quite so unshakable, and the signs exist solely to help one gain insight into who they are.

Aether | The Morning

Ambition, Passion, Independence

Born in the pale light of morning, Aether signs have the whole day ahead to live their lives. They are people of possibility and motion, but often find that they are so eager to advance that they forget that the day has only just begun and most things take time.

The Spear : The Challenger

Strengths: Individualistic, Courageous, Tenacious, Confident, Eager.
Weaknesses: Short-Tempered, Selfish, Impulsive, Cocky, Aggressive.
Likes: Activity, Competition, Control, Attention.
Dislikes: Boredom, Losing, Weakness, Loneliness.

The Staff : The Scholar

Strengths: Intelligent, Curious, Creative, Studious, Analytical.
Weaknesses: High-Strung, Isolated, Obsessive, Irresponsible, Perfectionist.
Likes: Problem-Solving, Learning, Theory, New Ideas.
Dislikes: Feeling Incompetant, Monotony, Over-Simplifying, Limitations.

The Mirror : The Achiever

Strengths: Determined, Charming, Energetic, Self-Assured, Searching.
Weaknesses: Arrogant, Manipulative, Self-Serving, Vain, Attention-Seeking.
Likes: Advancing, Praise, Success, Attention.
Dislikes: Helplessness, Feeling Worthless, Being Ignored, Failure.

Essence | The Day

Support, Practicality, Responsibility

Born in the light of day, Essence signs are able to clearly see the world around them. They are practical and responsible, but often find that they have trouble traversing times of darkness and uncertainty, preferring to see than to guess.

The Crown : The Companion

Strengths: Hard-Working, Committed, Trustworthy, Cooperative, Careful.
Weaknesses: Codependent, Cautious, Defensive, Posessive, Self-denying.
Likes: Feeling Needed, Being Included, Giving, Security.
Dislikes: Rejection, Loneliness, Uncertainty, Unfairness.

The Scepter : The Host

Strengths: Patient, Confident, Encouraging, Generous, Idealistic.
Weaknesses: Domineering, Inhibited, Stubborn, Pretentious, Dogmatic.
Likes: Leadership, Appreciation, Morality, Improvement.
Dislikes: Disobedience, Immorality, Low Standards, Being Forgotten.

The Wreath : The Diplomat

Strengths: Accepting, Trusting, Optimistic, Understanding, Peaceful.
Weaknesses: Oblivious, Complacent, Insecure, Indecisive, Superficial.
Likes: Harmony, Happiness, Feeling Connected, Fairness.
Dislikes: Conflict, Loneliness, Unfairness, Choosing Wrongly.

Void | The Night

Idealism, Sensitivity, Intuition

Traversing the dark and mystery of the night, Void signs must rely on their sensitivity, intuition and insight to find their way. Knowing that the dawn will come again, they are idealistic by nature, but may become distressed when the light does not return as quickly as they had hoped.

The Key : The Conductor

Strengths: Insightful, Witty, Empathetic, Clever, Helpful.
Weaknesses: Flattering, Needy, Doormat, Lax, Duplicitous.
Likes: Making Things Happen, Alliances, Involving Themselves, Reciprocity.
Dislikes: Feeling Useless, Underappreciation, Rejection, Criticism.

The Lyre : The Enthusiast

Strengths: Extraverted, Versitile, Spontaneous, Playful, Energetic.
Undisciplined, Scattered, Distracted, Impulsive, Irresponsible.
Excitement, Learning, New Experiences, Entertainment.
Monotony, Commitment, Rules, Regret.

The Chalice : The Individual

Strengths: Self-Aware, Independent, Perceptive, Honest, Romantic.
Weaknesses: Moody, Self-Conscious, Hedonistic, Isolated, Disenchanted.
Likes: Freedom, Admiration, Validation, Uniqueness.
Dislikes: Insignificance, Constraints, Misunderstanding, Jealousy.

Magic & Technology

Magical Arts & Regulation

Below & Above are realms teeming with Magic - the very fabric of their worlds is magical. Therefore, magic is an intrinsic and inseparable aspect of everyday life, with all Dreamborne dabbling in the magical arts, even if different cultures have varying magical customs and a varying range of magical abilities.

Wielding powerful magic is a rare talent, and a difficult skill to master, but all the same it can be a very powerful force in the right (or wrong) hands. Due to this, magic is something that is heavily regulated in Below, especially in Euros, and something The Grand Council keeps a close eye on.

With its regulation not only comes enforcement that there is no misuse of dangerous magic, but that a standardized practice of magic can be taught so all can learn to wield it in a way that’s most beneficial to society as a whole.

There are, of course, restrictions and taboos when it comes to magical use, but these largely vary culturally. A notable example is that of the Art of Necromancy, a form of magic that is more heavily regulated than some and is seen as far more taboo in Above than it is in Below.


As magic is such an important and powerful aspect of everyday life, this impacts the technology in the two realms significantly as well. It’s difficult to say in many cases where the technical aspects of mundane engineering ends, and the fine tuning of magical artificing begins, as all Dreamborne technology relies on magic to power and facilitate it to some degree. Even basic tools and simple machines often find themselves enchanted in one way or another.

As most Dreamborne possess some natural affinity for channeling energy with the use of crystals, technology is often powered through the use of crystals, as well as various enchantments in combination with clockwork and steam power. Because of this, Dreamborne technology has a hodge-podge of what you might consider both “modern” and “antiquated” aesthetics, with more advanced technology usually having a significantly crystalline appearance - and a much higher price tag on top of it.

The most cutting-edge technological advancements in the modern era can invariably be traced back to developments during the 100 Year War - which notably resulted in significant advancement in communication devices, mountless carriages, airships, film projectors, data storage, and efficient indoor plumbing. As a player, feel free to get creative with the magical technology in this universe.