Kat lore bits 2.0

Updated: 06 Oct 2023

Official FAQ - About names

Kats are Sci-fi, not magic

How do Kats protect themselves if they're attacked?

It would depend I suppose.
Naturally, they're more inclined to run than stand their ground. And despite their round shapes, they are actually quite flexible and nimble. Their 'squish' doesn't come from fat, but a more lightweight soft tissue that only gives them the appearance of chubbiness.
Similarly to humans though, they've had a very long time to evolve into a comfortable and safe life, so without training they aren't really.. natural predators or fighters. If it came down to having to protect oneself, it would probably be something similar you'd see in a human. Raise their arms to shield themselves, land a punch if they know how. If they have horns they can use, then they might use those.
On average, they run faster than a human but slower than a cat. Probably much lower stamina than a cat, too, but that comes down to training

-nods- I was thinking of a situation where a kat visits earth for the first time and runs into a coyote. I was trying to figure out how they would defend themselves

Hm, probably yeah horns/stones if they can use those, making loud noises.. I don't know if coyotes are intimidated by an animal trying to appear bigger. A Kat could stand up and unironically T-pose with some sudden movements to look bigger and more thretening
They have all that skin that would make them look like a blanket
Tho Kaku is right too. While Kats don't commonly carry weapons on Nie, it's reasonable to assume they would have something on them when visiting the more unpredictable environments of Earth. Not necessarily guns, but something to scare or stun potential threats with
That's a valid option for a story
Tho I don't know how canonical you want to be. Anything to put an animal to sleep would probably be an overkill, considering the science and risk that goes into knowing the safe chemicals and dosages for every animal compared to something that would spook most things, like a small shock perhaps

From what I gathered kats are non-violent (except in the arena) and I had a story in mind about a kat running into some trouble when visiting Earth and being found by a human.

Yeah, Kats are similar to humans in many ways, and on average even less violent than us because their nation's mental health awareness is top notch
It's not to say they are perfect, tho. For example when it comes to their interactions with humans, Kats are more used to expecting good intent, so even with the knowledge that humans are different, Kats can easily be blindsided, or taken aback by many of our more common behaviors
I imagine many Kats aren't great at reading sarcasm, even

that got me thinking, can there be one lone kat that is extremly violent? or is violence just genetically imposible for them? and does this mean they dont enjoy martial arts for sports?

They can be violent, theoretically, but it's extremely uncommon. Yes, it's genetically very unlikely, for one. And Nie is extremely closely monitored by a system (which I admittedly haven't explained much lore of) that would never fly on Earth. But that means flying under the radar on Nie as a dangerous individual is near impossible.
You'd be more likely to find such an individual on a more isolated colony off-planet or even on Earth, that has survived with minimal contact with the Nie nation. For example I have a Kat with antisocial personality disorder who grew up in a very small community on an asteroid, with only rare interactions with Nie to bring in goods. Coupled with less than ideal parenting, and though he isn't necessarily violent (usually), he developed some unlikely traits.
Kats do enjoy martial arts and sports though. It's more built on camaraderie and competitiveness than violent impulses, but sure, they can throw some consensual punches

will we ever get to hear more about that monitoring system?

Probably.. it's a bit complex and hard to explain why it works, because from a human perspective it sounds insanely intrusive haha
In short, the whole planet and nation is monitored by AIs that answer to a central computer. You basically can't do anything without the AI knowing where you are. It works only because it has a lot of autonomy and has actually a relatively chill personality, and won't answer to anyone unless it deems absolutely necessary to share its information. And Kats have grown to trust the system.
For example, a teenager could skip school and the AI would find where they are to make sure they are safe, and the kid could tell it to keep it a secret as long as the computer deems they are in no danger and it's not a concerning repeat pattern.

Do all Kats like it?

So it's not really a dystopia where you have to worry about your every step. But they they will still watch your every step
Kats have found it's more valuable to allow freedom for small deceits and missteps than to keep everyone in perfect line, even though they have the tech to do that.
Kats have a long long history of seeing it work. It's been around for a couple centuries, so it's just how their life is. A lot of Kats probably feel weird and vulnerable at the lack of its protection when they come to Earth.
It would still absolutely not work with humans tho. Most of us are not wired to trust something so big and built by people in power Humans who visit Nie will probably be weirded out by it haha

I would say they still have a lot of privacy and freedom, as long as you consider only computers seeing you as private. At least, more than you'd think. It's not a 100% flawless system of course, but you can make it lie and make excuses for you as long as the AI itself knows what you're up to. It might think you're making a dumb decision, but most of the time, it will let you make the dumb decision as long as it's not a criminal one.
No one owns it at this point. In a way, you could consider the AI itself as a co-ruler of Nie, together with the government. But it doesn't exactly answer even to the government except only for the information it must. Like granting access to medical or criminal history to whom and when necessary, granting access to bank information to bankers, revealing location when someone has gone missing or is believed to be in danger, etc. No one has authority to ask for information outside of what the computer decides is necessary. And it's a very high level AI, so its decisions are quite trusted.

Are there those who doubt it?

Sure, though the general public is content.
They probably have movies of the AI going rogue, tho
Yeah, I would imagine even a Kat who has grown up on Earth or some other far enough community would be at least a little weirded out at first. But most are born into it

I’d be interested to know how Viran (our local NPC ai) plays into the bigger picture of ai. Does he have to report to the central computer? Or completely rouge?

Viran is rogue. That's why he used Kuura's help to escape to Earth in the original event
They're also different. It's debatable whether the AI of Nie is sentient or just super smart. While it shows signs of potential sentience, it's at least been keeping itself in line and in accordance with its mission. Viran on the other hand acts unpredictably and openly displays their behavior as an individual.

are there countries in wherever kats live (forgot the name)? and do they have different traditions, languages, food, etc?

They did in the past, but presently, the whole planet has globalized with the same main language, main culture and politics, etc. Some regional languages, foods and other traditions have survived, but they're more curiosities than something followed by the whole region
Largely upheld by enthusiasts. A kat could make an old culture their whole life, but you wouldn't easily find someone on Nie who still isn't familiar with the global customs either You're more likely to find a shift in culture outside of Nie. Like a small community established on a different planet, asteroid or space ship for a few generations can feel very different.
They haven't found other planets with life, but they can build stuff and domes etc on space rocks But usually still not different enough to be completely foreign. These communities generally survive on shipments from Nie so they have to keep contact

Again, about crime

technically speaking, even if every Kat on the ML was in a gang, the lore is filled with millions of invisible Kats who live in the world, so statistically the crime rate is still very low but sure you could find some very hidden underground places. Not on-ground tho. There are eyes in space. you'd have more luck staying hidden off-Nie. Earth, or also space ships, other planets or their moons in the solar system or asteroids. They aren't planets with life, but Kats don't care 'cause they have tech. And Nie could still be in relative reach

About space hub ring thing

I don't know if I've actually ever mentioned, but canonically there is a Kat-made ring around Nie, surrounding the entire planet. So from the ground you can always see this giant thin frame-like structure up in spaceit works as a hub for spacecrafts, there's a space highway, security points, docking for the ginormous cruise ships that can't land, but also space hotels and shops etclooks thin and skeletal from the ground 'cause it's far. It's really very big obviously
I haven't really looked into the space science stuff, but I imagine it being a bit at an angle and spinning independantly from Nie. So depending on where you are and the day, it could be above you in the sky or in the distance over the horizon

Could humans possibly partake in HSR forms and battles aswell? Or is it strictly a kat thing.

theoretically, they could

Can Sikeris and Dimoris have hobbies and occupations?

Similarly to how we have police dogs etc, yes.
Canonically, this arpg has a very realism-based, non-cartoony universe. Even Sikeri, in humans' biology definitions, are considered "animals" more than "people", and Dimori in intelligence are pretty close to just a very clever, but not abnormally so, dog.
You may see Sikeri in certain positions perhaps, but just like you can't have a toddler sign a legal agreement, so can't a Sikeri, and it'd be something that's closely overseen and handled by their Kat guardian or trainer

How long has wormholes / kat to space stuff been around, lore wise? Like roughly

roughly 200-300 years is what I've imagined
for the advanced space stuff at least

About dimori scale

I think this is more of an accurate-ish scale for when a Dim gets separated from its mother


About kandi chicks/hatchlings, do they have their colours showing once they hatch or do they change as they grow?

I'm not sure.. they may be bald-ish or washed out colors maybe?

I imagine Kats would probably have a hard time swimming with their excess skin, but I'll still ask: can Kats swim?

They can! It's been referenced before, even to the extent of Kats having functional gills using the Gilded Sea item.

yeah Kats have no trouble swimming. It's also canon that in the old old times of pre any kind of technology or even cities, there were tribes of Kats in certain parts of Nie living along rivers and wet habitats. They had the natural trait of leaf tail, which they used in their lifestyle of spending a lot of time in water

1. What's the education system like in Nie? Like the even the broad strokes, especially since they are considered adults at 15 years old
2. Considering maps, where would the sun would rise from? Like the left/right/up/whatever side of the map

I also have lore questions?
What’s Nies geology like? I imagine they’ve probably harnessed any volcanoes they have to be used for geo thermal energy, if Nie has volcanoes. If they do have volcanoes is the magma silicate based? Or something else? (Eg carbonate based like Ol Doinyo Lengai)
Do they have any different minerals on Nie that are different than those on earth?

Most of these questions I don't think I can comfortably answer. If I'm going to make an answer up on the spot, I'm not gonna remember it the next time someone asks
I'd have to give the education question more thought, although broadly I'd say, they probably have some mandatory education from young age, lasting up to maybe around 7-8 years? And then lifelong optional education opportunities from there on.
For detailed astrology and geology, I honestly don't know much about these sciences. As far as the sun goes, I'd like to say it's not 1:1 same as the Earth, but I don't know if any other answer would mean some sort of greater differences for the whole planet that I wouldn't know to expect.
Similar with the volcano question. I know nothing about geo thermal energy or silicates or whatnot. All I can say is, sure, they can have volcanoes.
Minerals, afaik, yes it would make sense for there to be different ones

Honestly I just want to draw a map and make sure that the beach faces the sunset lmao

For the heck of it, we could say it rises from the west on Nie. Just flipping it around shouldn't be too much different I suppose

Can Sikeris play video games?

As we've answered before, your headcanon for your Kat-world stories are your own; there's not much that we can say "no" to.

I agree with Ratty, though, their claws are rather large so holding a controller would probably prove to be difficult (I could see an Aerial being able to play, but not an Imp)



(Aqua is supposed to look large and fat vs small Aerial)
There's a controller in there somewhere.


Does that mean they can play small driving games though? It doesn't require using hands that much
With a steering wheel?

I would say same as above: the ones with the small or fat claws (so Aqua and Aerial) because their claws probably won't be a nuisance that much when they wrap their hands around a steering wheel.
A human sized one, that is. Kat technology probably has adaptations in the same way humans do so you could incorporate that in somehow Like this Xbox controller, for example: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller

What if there could be a tiny Wii steering controller that they could use?
Maybe technology could make controllers that are specialized for Sikeri

With Kat tech, I would say it's possible. Human tech would probably be more challenging for them to use, although probably not impossible given their level of intelligence. That's probably the best answer.
the claws are just going to be the main barrier lol.

tbf timeline-wise Kats developed videogames way before humans knew what a computer is. So they have their own numerous lines of Kat designed games and controllers And Sikeri claws can be big, but they grow up with them so they are pros at using them
Also if a monkey can learn to play pong, then yes, Sikeri can learn to play simple games
Not much in terms of strategy and story and such, or understand achievements or competition. But things like "if I click this button, the thing on screen will do a thing"
On the more advanced end, I could see Sikeri understanding the 3D space on screen in a game like Skyrim. And they could learn the basic moves like walking, turning, and attack. So a Sik could get a kick out of clumsily running around a river killing mudcrabs until they eventually take enough damage and die themselves because they don't understand much about the strategy of avoiding hits, blocking, or the health and stamina bar
For racing games, yeah I could also see a Sik able to figure out how it works. However, the reason racing games are fun is mainly the competition, and understanding competition just for the sake of competition probably isn't something a Sikeri would wrap their head around. Now, if there's something at the end to entice them - their Kat handler giving them a treat for example - they may learn that they need to get to the finish as quickly as possible.
Other than that though, I could see a Sik being more interested in ramming other cars and doing whatever gets an interesting reaction on the screen.

If Sikeri have a similar diet as Kats, can Sikeri eat Sichi fruits or dalberry snacks? What do they eat as snacks? Is there even such thing as Sichi snacks-

Blue dalberry snacks are specifically made for sikeri for example. I think I remember Kiku telling that they won't taste as pleasant to kats as they do to sikeri. There aren't any sichi snacks in arpg, but I can't see why they can't be made into snacks in kat lore
Milky snacks.

Technically Tapu's Bakery does mention Sichi pies and Sichi muffins
Those are (presumably) made for Kats, but I figure Sikeri could eat them too

Do Kats have teeth? I forgot
If they do have teeth are they similar to a human's?

They do, but they're more similar to cat teeth. If you look on the ML there are a few that have teeth showing.

Teeny fangs


b>Because Kats are so protective of animals, I'm going to guess the answer is no, but would it be possible for a Dimori to have docked ears/tails? Or could they have a nubby tail due to injury?

If it is due to an injury, I can't see why not.
But for the docked ears/tail I think you'd need Kiku's answer

Seconding Kaku but also, even though Kat society as a whole places a high value on protecting animals, individual Kats can still go against the grain. Kiku's actually confirmed that an illegal Dim trade exists (https://www.deviantart.com/katakillus/art/First-Encounter-Dim-Training-840555147) so it wouldn't be impossible to imagine other seedy operations existing outside the law that don't have the animals' best interest in mind. Obviously not an end-all answer here as I am not the loremaster, but just my two cents

Basically what has already been said

How big can sichi fruit trees get? Like could I fit it in something like this?


People have drawn them in different sizes so I like to think they have breeds that result in different sizes, but essentially the same plant So draw them as big as you want

I'm not sure if anyone has asked this before. What is the maximum and minimum size a full-grown Kat can be?

I'll be honest I don't know how to answer that
The same as I wouldn't know to answer what a max and min size of a housecat is xD
There can be variation, like with any creature. As long as you don't go very crazy, there's a good chance you'll be fine

Fun fact, Kats are actually naturally quite lean. Yes, they can also be more muscular, lanky, curvy, etc. You just don't see much of any of it because it's hidden under the amount of skin and squishy alien tissue.
If you can show it in your art though, as long as it follows the basic anatomy rules, go for it

are voice modifications a thing kats can get? Because personally not a fan of "high pitch squeaking voice"

real time voice modifiers do exist irl already in mics, so would make sense that Kats have something like that that's even more seamless

Sikeri have teeth yeah?

Yee, tiny ones!

What do Sikeris eat?

So far in prompts we have seen them eat pretty much everything, I would say similar, simpler diet than Kats, probably lots of fruits and such

I feel like I've definitely read somewhere about Kats standing on two but I can't remember where and if it said they could or not

Kats can comfortably stand up but it's a little harder for them to walk upright iirc-- it's sort of a shuffle. So for moving long distances I'd imagine they'd get down on all fours unless they had reason not to (obligatory "I'm not Kiku" disclaimer)

So Kats can train themselves to walk bipedally through training and pure determination?

Yeah, Kats aren't designed to walk completely upright, but they're smart and have potential to be flexible. If humans can learn to become ballerinas or walk a tightrope, it's no issue for Kats to learn walking upright if they really want to
I'd imagine it's mostly done for performance or "look at this cool thing I can do", and is probably inconvenient as a casual thing.
It is common for Kats to sit or "shuffle" around in a more sitting pose though, if they need their hands free
Like this


So dalberries
Do they grow like pumpkins or strawberries
What do dalberry flowers look like?
Also does Nie have pollinators

I mean, there's an item of the plant but it doesn't have a flower on it.
I would imagine you could create a pollination system given the technology on the planet.

All fruit bearing plants flower

But do alien fruit bearing plants flower, is the question

Because reproduction
Also because flowers are pretty and space deserve nice things too

But who says they need flowers to reproduce
who knows, maybe they have a season where they go off like sprinklers and hope they spit on another plant. Or their roots come off like worms and swiggle their way to other plants

that's still reproduction or parasitism

Yeah everything reproduces to stay in existence
Nie has a rich and colorful flora. I just don't have the time or energy to detail it out when I don't have a direct need to. So until then I'm fine with people just making things up for their environments :>

What kind of environment do Makili slugs thrive in?
would one keep them in a terrarium?

Yeah that sounds like it fits
Especially if you don't want slime trails all over your living space

Do kats have livers
Or would wine just be a bad idea for them to ingest?

It's basically the same thing as last discussion. The organisms on another planet would develop completely separately from Earth, so it's way more likely that their organs look and function in ways entirely different and alien to us.
I'd say they can handle their alcohol and wine, but it's not necessarily what we know as a 'liver' doing the job

How long is the gestation period of Kats?

I don't remember making up a number for this
I have no idea what sounds logical tho. Like, 4-5 months?

If the universe is stretching/expanding, could Kats manage to map other neighboring galaxies or would it be difficult to travel there because of the universe's infinite expansion?

At some point, in regards to the last part of your question, the edge of the universe is no longer the farthest point as it expands.
Wormholes are about as every day use as taking a subway is on Earth so in theory once a wormhole is established between points A and B travelling and mapping can be done.

In canon, Kats have not left our galaxy
Milky way is very very big, hahah

Do Kats have livestock on Nie like on Earth? Like chickens and stuff

Consuming meat or slaughtering animals for any non-essential produce is illegal on Nie, so I'd say no.. Such animals can be kept, but not for the purposes of livestock
You could have situations like, a family has a [insert equivalent of sheep] whose fur they use to make clothing or accessories for family or as freelance
Or have pet tin tins and get eggs, like in our arpg

Could a Kat have a pet Earthen animal with crazy colors? Would they be morally okay with messing with the genetics of Earth animals?

I feel like canonically the Nie governments themselves wouldn't be okay with jumping on that train and giving Earth that technology haha
The only reason they do it with local Nie pets is that their animal protection laws and population control is way above what is even imaginable on Earth, whereas on Earth it would feed into humans' greed for overbreeding for the fanciest "accessory" pets

What kinda star and star system does Nie have? I’m assuming it’s very similar to ours (yellow dwarf single star)
If Nie has two moons, is their tide system different from Earth?
Or moons don't even make tides different

I don't have enough astronomical knowledge to properly answer those questions, but I'd say the star system is probably similar to us, yeah

If the average intelligence of a Kat surpasses the intelligence of a human, then do baby Kats also have more intelligence than a human or are they similar to a human toddler?

I will also mention that Kats' intelligence shows more in their ability to learn things quicker and more efficiently than humans.
A Kat and a human of equal education level can have the same level of smarts
So it's not like every Kat can MacGyver themselves a laser gun out of scraps in a garage haha. Or as I've once said about my Kat Pistachio, he wouldn't know how to fix a toaster to save his life

Is is there any existing lore on this? I have a impression kat cities are pretty green, utopian, solarpunk style, but what kinda infrastructure they would have? Or naming conventions? or any lore lol

kind of? I haven't worked on it too much; I like to think that due to the vast amount of time they've had without wars pummeling things down, the art and architecture styles are incredibly varied on Nie, so you'd see very different landscapes/cityscapes anywhere you go. But solarpunk is a very good word to describe it. Generally I think of great vertical heights for the cities. A lot of artistically shaped buildings. Roads aren't just for the ground level.
Names tend to be more vowel filled and melodious rather than robust, but really anything goes.

Are there any amazing natural phenomenon on Nie, such as "floating" islands (like in Avatar where they're held up by naturally occurring magnets) or something?

that's a good question, and I'll want to think on that more :0 I can't remember atm if I ever decided on anything concrete. There's no floating islands tho

Do you think the names cities, streets, etc would be more descriptive or poetic or abstract?

I'd say any, really

Also, what's the ground to space infrastructure?

So, I don't actually know a lot about space flight physics
I always imagined that vehicles that can leave the planet are common. The Kats' version of cars are flying vehicles inspired by the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, and a little bit Lilo and Stitch lol. They come in all kinds of shapes and designs. Some are designed more towards space flight but can be used within the planet's atmosphere, others are overall multi-purpose but probably more close-to-orbit than further space travel, and there's also models (probably cheaper options) not designed to take off into space
And then there's a bunch of airspace and spacespace laws to regulate that

Oh right wormholes are a thing those are probably used frequently for space travel? Can you put a personal vehicle thought a wormhole, like on a ferry?

Kats are way above humans where it comes to energy harvest and efficiency, to where energy isn't much of a concern
Wormholes are very common even in everyday use, yes. And yes, you can put a vehicle through them, it's what they did in my original story with Neon
I brought up the example a way back to someone wondering about character building. Like a Kat could have a nine-to-five job on a moon or an asteroid where they go to and from every day through a wormhole.
Or alternatively, work on a giant on-orbit luxury spa-hotel spacecraft to where they drive with their own space car

Can Katragoons have Tattoos?

Kats have a short fur coat, so if they have tattoos, they can't be the same kind humans make. But perhaps they have some tech that allows them to change the pigment of both the skin, and the fur that's on it without the color growing out.

May I ask a world buildy type of question? What kind of legal system do Kats have? What is illegal on Nie that isn't here and vice versa? What kind of punishment(s) do they have for crime?

I like that question, it's something I haven't explained before. They don't have a ruling system like any on Earth. There are no nations defined by land, but several ruling families, each governing a faction of Katragoons who may live wherever they want on Nie or elsewhere. The families do a lot of collaboration, and there's also a neutral government that adds their opinions to any decisions and makes sure the families are acting fairly. The families don't have total power, and if a bunch of Kats report injustice by a family, it will be looked into thoroughly. It's a system that is very much based on common sense and trust from the citizens, built up over hundreds of years. It wouldn't work here on Earth xD

The main laws are the same for everyone; there are slight differences in things like taxes and support systems and crime punishment and so on under each family's rule, but generally, for most crimes the punishment is either monetary or community service. Kats are imprisoned only if there's a threat of them doing it again (and it was something severe). There is no death sentence. The prisons also have to answer to certain standards so they're pretty clean places with enough food and basic entertainment and stuff. Their purpose isn't to plainly enact punishment, but simply to keep the criminals away from where they could do more harm. As to what's illegal there that isn't here.

Well, it's illegal to kill any animal unless your life depended on it. Animal protection laws are pretty strict and straightforward. Eating meat is also illegal in most circumstances (excluding lab-grown meat substitutes). There's also strict laws on using chemicals that are toxic to nature or ozone, so they'd be illegal without special permits. Kats don't really use fuels, but mostly energy gathered from nature friendly sources.

Firearms are pretty difficult to acquire and need a license as well as a person's evaluation test, so being caught with one will get you in quite a trouble.

Do scorpion tails have actual poisons or anything?

Naturally, they do not. But you're free to create a story to them that they went to get some secret surgery or whatever to make it possible. Kats have pretty advanced medical science (but also strict laws for dangerous things like that, so they better not get caught) xD

Would it be allowed to have other cs there or not? Like if it overlaps with other stories, would it be possible to have other chars in there as well?

Sadly not exactly.. Kats come from a full story idea and worldbuilding I created years before introducing them to DA. I've somewhat lost track of how much of that I have released to public so far, but I do plan to bring more of it into the arpg. In their universe, Kats have not come across other space-travellers. Humans are the most advanced species they've met, in addition to a few planets with primal life forms and one with intelligent life, but that lives in the era heavily influenced by beliefs, superstitions and where no technology exists. The first attempts to contact them went poorly, so they're holding off trying again for now.

How would Katragoons wear headphones?

They don't wear headphones, but they can have a little music player that clips to their head near the sensory field. Example: https://www.deviantart.com/katakillus/art/11-Katragoon-Punk-Monday-CLOSED-696427732

Can Sikeri know sign language?

Yes, they can. ^^

What do Sikeri sound like?

People seem to like the idea of them making chirping-sort of sounds xD
I'm not sure if I've ever specified it anywhere, so I've been fine with that

Do Katragoons have their own language, and if so, what is it called? I'm going to say that my Kat instinctively speaks English while living on earth, as she lives in America and it is her only Earth language (though she is interested in living in Japan and learning their language), but as I was typing "Do Sikeri understand [language]?" it occurred to me that she might use her native language when alone.

They come from a different planet, so yes, Katragoons have their own language. I haven't given it a name, but it's very vowel filled and hard to pronounce for humans. A language designed for Katragoons' squeaky-ish voices, although those growing up on Earth can speak Earthen languages a little more naturally. The timeline of the ARPG is pretty vague, but it's at a point where Katragoons have been in contact and living on Earth for at least a few years, so there might be some who spent most of their childhood on Earth. Same with Sikeri. Depends on the environment they grew with I guess.

Can kats have mental illnesses (ptsd for example), or psychical ones such as be blind/deaf?

Technically can, but both are much less likely to occur than in humans. Kats live in a very advanced society where medical care is top notch, bot physical and mental. Blindness and deafness can be cured, but the more severe the issue, the more costly it is (most medical care is pretty affordable, but transplants might not be easy to reach for all). Another option is if they simply refuse medical care for whatever reason.. As for mental illnesses, they have to be checked up by law, and if it's not curable, they will make sure that the individual is safe and can't harm others either, should it be potential to happen.

This is all on Nie though. Kat society is very different from that of Earth, and even after travel between the two planets was opened some years ago, the human governments haven't quite improved to Nie level, and are also not very welcoming of Nie's Order (law enforcement) on Earth. So technically, Kats can do things on Earth without being subject to Nie's laws.

To clarify, is Kuura a wanted criminal?

She was looked for, but being on Earth let her avoid being found, and once Viran released his creation to the public, the Order established contact with him over the net. That's the closest they've got to Viran. But AI s have rights on Nie (Viran isn't the first), so him admitting using Kuura to escape to Earth basically lets Kuura off the hook. Kuura still keeps away from the public, though, for personal reasons.

Where most of the Kats are, more specific places where they live or something?

Kats have free travel between Earth and their home planet Nie, so it's up to everyone
They travel through wormholes, specifically in big stations. Imagine like a big train station or airport, only there are wormhole gates (and guards who check everyone, just like in airports), and travel is instant

Have humans been allowed to travel to Nie, or is strictly Kats?

They can, but there are some restrictions
like mainly just certain areas unless you get some special permissions. And restrictions about what a person can take with them
The problem with humans on Nie is that all the architecture is Kat-sized. Kats can freely go around Earth towns and visit all the shops and cafes and whatnot. It's not that easy for humans on Nie xD

There are new places built on Nie that consider human guests, but what already existed, it is how it is lol. That said, there actually are quite some restrictions for Kats on Earth too. Again, without special permissions they can only stay within certain areas (towns, counties, etc). Some countries have possibly prohibited any Kat from entering. While most governments have accepted them, there is still a lot of dispute because humans' world was turned quite upside down when Kats made themselves known. There's a lot of fear and hate going around still, especially from religious sides

Would it be at all reasonable to think that Sikeri are able to sort of "choose" their first marking/pattern if they decide to?

Perhaps.. I mean they are pretty clever, especially if they are taught sign language, which is like a kid going to school - they'll get even smarter. I could see one being fascinated with a Kat's colors and asking if they could be like that

how much do the horns have to be blocking the sensory field for the Kat to have bad hearing? like the Gargoyle Kat... is that one completely deaf?

Horns are unlikely to make them completely deaf. A sensory field works on a molecular level, so this stuff gets around every smallest gap, which will probably be below and/or above the horns. At worst it could be like if you held fingers in your ears - it's quiet, but you do hear something There are also ways to get around that. In my canon, Pistachio has small holes drilled through the horns it's not a complete fix, but it helps a bit

Can the slugs like, be positioned in a somewhat upright way? I know they don't have back legs but Idk if they have a bone structure that would allow them to position themselves upright. Kinda like how a snake can have part of it's body vertical but the rest flat on the ground

Probably. They are so small they don't heave too much body mass to keep them grounded

Could there be windmills in Nie (old looking, not like the modern one)?

Possibly, but if they're from a time before making contact with Earth there would be some differences

Can the HSR abilities be used on a random forest on Earth? Like I wanna use the nature ability on my Kat to make them bigger, but idk if you can use those without a proper HSR field

I imagined them carrying some small thing, probably hidden somewhere on their body or something
that creates a small field
Basically anything that goes outside of a smaller personal bubble wouldn't work (I'd say uh.. a horse-sized bubble? lol) so the size increase can't go beyond that either.

What would a baby sikeri be called?


If, for example, I add wings to one of my existing Kats. do they act like they always had them or do they, like, appear, and they act like they appeared on them?

If you follow lore, it's your choice to either say they always had them or that they had them added surgically

If Kats have wings, can they actually fly or can they only like glide?

They also can't have big wings. Wings aren't natural for Kats and by lore are a completely artificial "accessory" trait
artificial as in either added surgically or the gene is lab-created


Do Aerial Siks have fur or feathers?

Naturally all Sikeri have scales, but you can make them have fur or feathers if you want

How do Kats run?

They have the same as human arm bone structure and digitigrade legs. I can't think of any animals that are the same way to look at examples
They do it on the ball of their hands, not on the whole palm. So in a way it's like on the knuckles, but with the fingers bent out of the way

How would kats usually measure their height, like on the top of the head standing up or on the shoulder or?

I think they'd have two measurements - standing up and on all 4s. I imagine they would need to keep their head front-facing, so the highest tip is the top of their head, not the headpieces.

Do kats breed?

I'm not really a fan of the word breed xD Kats do have reproductive organs and genders, so yeah, they make kids. But just as I wouldn't say humans breed, I wouldn't use the word for Kats either lol

When did katragoons come to earth? Is it possible that they eventually could already have lived here in medieval times?

I sometimes lose track of the information I've given out, but in the official story, Kats make contact with Earth in the current times (so like 2010+ or so). They have been aware of Earth and have had satellite images and to a degree, access to our media for a couple decades prior.

I consider the ARPG taking place somewhere 5 to 10+ years after the initial contact, where Kats and humans are somewhat accustomed to each other, but you can still come across quite a bit of distrust and conspiracy theories among humans, either in individuals or even larger scale regions where Kats have been banned from entering. Katragoon policies are rather non-confrontational, so they respect the decisions of the countries that have limited their access. Meeting an alien race is a big deal after all, one that might even take generations to completely erase the fear of the unknown.

If we're looking back in time, when Earth was in medieval times, Katragoons were already getting into technology and even surpassing our current knowledge centuries ago. If Katragoons did contact Earth all the way back then, Earth would not be what it is today :>

Here's an idea though. Nie is a larger planet than Earth. There are a lot of areas with very small to no population. Kats are high tech, but not every individual wants to be looking at screens in fancy tech miracles of buildings and vehicles all day. There are communities that are various degrees of closer to nature. Medical centers and access to media would be mandatory, but I could see there being some cool "western meets future" kinds of settings where on first glance, things look back in time, but then you see some carry 5 models old screen devices or another Kat have a 20 year old hoverbike in their garage.
Additionally, we talk about Kats coming to live to Earth, but there are also humans going to Nie, if you want that mixed society.

Do Kats have any technology similar to hover boards?

I would imagine you can find just about anything on their market, from dumb inventions to pretty cool ones
Imagine looking up "dumb inventions" on a Nie online search. With the time they've had to come up with stuff, it would probably make human accomplishments pale in comparison

How old do sikeri live?

I'd say whatever the expectancy was, Kats have done things to increase it. Maybe like 50-70?

While we're talking about ages, does this also apply to Dimori?

I'd say yeah. Tho Dimori might live a bit longer maybe

What would a wild/not-Kat-affiliated Sikeri's lifespan be, you think?

Probably around the same due to breeding with strays.

What kind of public transportation do Kats have on Nie?

Their vehicles are powered by green energy instead of fuels tho. Gotta keep their planet green.
They probably have something similar to maglev vacuum trains and flying things
I also love the idea of island-ships, based on an actual proposed concept. But they'd be more like cruise, permanent living quarters or smaller private ships


What kind of games would a pet like a kandi or a slug be able to play?

Canonically the pets don't have a level of intelligence like Sikeri do. So they're more like say pet rabbits or such, but I'd say anyone can be taught tricks.

Would a dimori cub be bigger than a full grown Katragoon or same size?

Slightly bigger, but the exact size would depend on what age you have them

How many toes do kandi have? Like is it one in the front one in the back or do they have more like earth birds?

I remember I intended it to be two toes, but I can't recall if with or without a back toe
So it's either a Y or.. just two toes and one can bend in the back

Do Kats have special music instruments or would they play like Earthen instruments adapted to their size?

They could use human instruments yeah. I'm not really a musical person so I'm not sure how well I could come up with new instruments lol, but I'd assume they have the same groups of musical instruments that humans do

How do they travel through the wormholes?

They build portal gates for them. The specifics depend on the purpose. There are large on-orbit gates that can be entered with ships, and there are travel stations down both on Nie and Earth that are pretty much like airports/train stations, etc. I'd imagine passengers would need to file into some sort of capsule vehicle that takes them through all at once to keep it more controlled, rather than let everyone just walk through freely. Also identity checks and probably a ticket cost xD

So like a subway maybe but throw a wormhole portal?

yeah lol

Can Kats have piercings, or would they not even bother because their stones are pretty much the same thing?

Like earrings and such? Yes, they can. ^^

Can Kats be trans? (+general gender stuff)

I think so because if I remember right River Beauty is

Kiku has said many times that Kats don't worry about gender all that much too

I mean, it's completely normal for Kats to meet one another and spark attraction before they even ask what the other's gender is.. because they generally do have to ask lol. It's just not visible

Is there a canon blood color for Kat?

Normal, iron based red bood :> And no, their mouth isn't necessarily the same color as their hands. Most often I've drawn it the normal pink color but yeah there's been a few exceptions. But it's not related to the blood

Are there ever any conjoined Kats born? Or has their gene tech made that less likely? And can Imp Sikeri have more than one head?

Yeah Kats have pretty much eradicated unwanted gene mutations, so no conjoined ones, and I'd say the same for Sikeri

Do kats with antlers ever shed them?

They could shed them, yeah.

Can Kats with gills actually breathe underwater?

The gills work, yeah.

Are there mines on Nie?

There are mines on other planets (uninhabitable planets) and asteroids, ones operated mainly by machines and ones that need more Kats to manually operate the machines. They are high tech, so there's no bunch of Kats down in the mine with their pickaxes :>
The exception would be gem hunters, who work independently and might have less industrial tools, depending on how much they've invested in it

They could still work on the machines then?

yeah sure
also space and portal travel is an everyday thing in many Kats' lives, so going off to work on a different planet or asteroid and then going home to Nie every day would be pretty common and not a very long travel
Or living shifts in an offplanet station. Kind of like I had to live of a ferry for a week every other week back when i worked on it Depends how you want to set it up

What kind of traffic systems do Kats have set up? Would it be realistic to picture a Kat riding a motorbike? Would they have things like red lights?

A lot of traffic on Nie happens in the sky. A very common means of personal travel are these small propel-powered flying vehicles that might be the closest equivalent to an Earthen motorbike. It doesn't have a full cabin, so the pilot does have to wear a helmet and they are strapped to it, hands and feet on controls with probably a support cushion under their stomach.
It has several individually moving propellers that allow for sharp maneuvers, and some models come with the three main propellers able to face all the way down to act as wheels on land. It's all kind of hard to describe, and if I was any good at drawing vehicles I would try to do it xD
but you can think of something vaguely similar to these


I don't know much about traffic, but it's possible that in the sky they have their own lanes on different heights, so red lights aren't as necessary
There are also space-ship style "hovercars" that fit more Kats, coming in various sizes and designs - from family cars to giant passenger vehicles. You can really use your imagination there. Most of them are also able to even fly up into space.

Neon's brother, Purpur actually owns one of the largest manufactures of the small propel vehicles in the original story I have with Neon, and in it they do bring these to Earth as well.

I can imagine, since they use helmet, that they have an AR kind of thing where they can see the lanes and all vehicles are connected to the system so they know where others are and can evade them or something

They also have a mic in the front and a speaker in the back of the helmet, is a fun little detail Can listen to music or talk to others without the wind noise
Tbh with how much Kats use technology and how widely available it is to study it, there are tons and tons of different designs and things out there Kind of like how we talked about once, Kats having their own portal of r/ridiculousinventions or r/whydidn'tibuildthat
Like, building stuff isn't something every Kat can do; you do have to specifically study or have a good knack for these things. Pistachio couldn't even fix a toaster to save his life

Can a kat try and teach sikeri to sing? Like are they able to do that?

Music is a very abstract concept. Sikeri might be able to recognize it to a degree, but realistically, if it is possible to teach them to sing in a way that they understand it, it's probably a field that researchers and behaviourists tackle

General description of Okaia Valley?

Whenever I think of it, I tend to imagine Plitvice national park in Croatia that we visited, but with a little less water. So like a rich nature with these open pathways


In the park the paths go from down by the lower lakes, all around to up by the mountainsides. A good time to spend killing your legs


Do any humans ever visit Nie, and how do they get around with the buildings generally being too small for them? Have any started living there?

yeah they sure do
As funny as it is to imagine them cramped in tiny Kat houses, by the time the interplanetary travel picks up, there are human and Kat suitable structures on Nie, and many pre-existing structures like ship ports are probably already spacious enough; probably just needed installing some new doors and stuff. Just like when you go to a station or airport irl, these places are often large enough to fit a giant

So is it realistic to say that a bar or club restaurant has a section that they modified to be spacious enough to seat about 8 humans?

yeah lol
If you're gonna accommodate humans in your restaurant, it would not be a very bright moment to serve them with tiny wares lol

Okay, headphones can work some way I guess but earbuds? I don't think they work since kats don't have earholes, right?

it can be any device placed at the top of their head or maybe in the corner against the "headpiece", playing music in a frequency that only the sensory field will pick it up and no one else
I guess they could even have two on either side for directional sound

I saw that it's allowed that some small details can be added to pets to make them unique. What is the extent of additions? Could eye color be changed? Are there any coloration anomalies on Nie like albinism or melanism?

Possibly. But if you make your blue kandi into a white one then that's a bit questionable lol. I'd say as long as you can still tell which you have, it's fine.

So that I have a rough idea of possible poses, is it safe to assume that Dimori body language is similar to dog body language?

Kinda yeah :> Although by nature they've got a more sturdy build. So think more tank than flexibility?

Kats can sort of turn off the glow, can they turn off specific areas? like stones for example while keeping their eyes glowing

Technically per the original canon, the story idea that started Katragoons, the glow can not be controlled at all. It's either random or depends on the chemical changes in the body, such as adrenaline, strong emotions or they're ill.

Do kats watch movies? Human's one for example? I guess their technology is evolved enough to translate the movies in kat language. And do they make movies on their own?

Of course Since kats are capable of learning human languages, some wouldn't even need a translator but with their technology, translator seems easy to make Also I think iirc I had this convo with Kiku once (or did I imagine it) and kats can and do make movies.

I'd even say Kats might have a much wider variety of media than humans do

If I use the glow trait, can the markings only glow in the dark? Like the glow is not activated/visible in light/day?

Having it only be on at night is less of a question of control. Fluorescence is a type of glow. Like most of glow-in-the-dark thingamabobs, its whole concept is that they absorb light that they later emit, although it does mean it dims down over time.
Alternative would be that the Kat experiences certain emotions only when in the dark, such as a fear, that triggers the glow.
The reason it's not controllable in canon is that a lot of the Kat traits are the result of messing with genes for appearance purposes only. Simply having the chemicals to glow doesn't grant their body the mechanism required to control it.

At around what age are Dimoris considered full grown?

I'd say about 5-6 years?

Canonically, how long as the HSR Arena been around?

In my head the ARPG is taking place somewhere approx 10 years after contact with Earth, and the whole HSR thing is even newer than that, maybe like 2-3 or so years since Viran came to Earth and started up this whole thing?

What is the actual plural for Sikeri and Dimori? I'm not sure why, but I defaulted to the same (Look at this Sikeri, look at those Sikeri)

They probably both stay the same yeah

Can Cloud be turned off?

Like it's not always visible? Yeah that's fine

Since katragoon can change genes could they theoretically change a sikeri's genes too?

As for the Sikeri and genes question, per lore that's exactly what's happening, yes. It wouldn't be natural for any animal to have specimens of such different colors and patterns. Just like with Kats, their appearance depends either on the numerous artificial genes already introduced into their species, which can show up in any generation (meaning children can look very different from their parents), or alternatively, the genes get modified during in vitro fertilization (in a glass tube) before being transferred into the mother. Science

What’s Nie’s sealife like, and do Kats eat fish?

It's uh, sea-creature-y

And Kats are omnivores by nature. But canonically they don't eat the flesh of living things due to many decades of growing their society around laws that protect the nature. Having grown up in that environment, Kats are most likely to find the mere idea of consuming another creature disgusting. But there is leeway there with eating fish and meat being normal on Earth, and building your own stories :>

Can earthern plants and animals exist on Nie? Like can they get "shipped" from earth to Nie basically?

Technically, yeah

Are gen 1 sikeris now lore wise extinct?

Let's say it's just rare genetics

How do the Kats pick their HSR form once they pick a class? is it like on a game and you pick the traits and colors and use sliders?

I always imagine it being pretty much like 3D rendering. Either the Kat themself has some skills in doing 3D models, or they commission someone, etc. And Viran likes designing them too, so maybe some can hit up some kind of deal with him
There's potentially templates out there for those who want to take the cheap route

How often does an urge to headbutt someone come up with modern kat?

I imagine it could be more of like a habit thing. Like younger and teen Kats especially, if they're mad they might resort to headbutting. But you'd probably find it dumb if you consider yourself mature.

So is there a small percentage chance of Circumstance (living conditions, brought up around other criminals ect) of that happening to a Katragoon on Nie?

If you can find a reason for it, I suppose.. You see, on Nie, every Kat is guaranteed a a place to live that is up to standards (clean, warm, relocation to a quieter place if neighbors are noisy, etc), guaranteed food and living essentials, even if they completely refuse to earn any money on their own. Kats are small, their planet is slightly bigger than Earth, and overpopulation of the planet is not an issue for them, and so the governments created a program that guaranteed a decent life for every single individual. Should anyone want more than the free basics, they earn their money and buy their own house/apartment to live a little fancier lives. But bottom line is, this has completely eliminated poverty.
if you can figure out why your Kat would avoid this opportunity, then go for it
Even their jails aren't exactly scary. Just huge campuses with all the hobby and career opportunities. No death parole. The aim is not to punish, but to simply keep criminals from repeating their deeds

I wonder if Katragoons can vary in size?

About as much as humans can compared to each other. Or any animal
their lore is more sci-fi than magic, and they're much further ahead with globalization than humans are, so even races aren't a thing for them anymore

A thought just crossed my mind that weirded me out with Kat tech... that someone could completely alter their appearance to look like someone else and basically steal their look Would there be laws against this? How would you stop them?

Their plastic surgery probably goes a long way, but generally, most traits you need to be born with. Genetic alterations I mention in Kat lore, aka genes that they get by choice rather than natural chance, only happen in vitro in a lab. Well before the Kat's birth.
I would assume someone going in for plastic surgery to look like someone else would be just as plausible and just as morally weird as among humans. Pretty sure plastic surgery irl is far enough to make you look relatively like someone else, if the hospital allowed it

One thing to keep in mind also, we identify Kats by their colors and stuff because one species can only recognize another species by the most obvious traits. But look at other humans, and we pick up things like the subtlest face lines, height, gait, posture, and so on and so on. So even if a Kat had exactly the same colors, markings and even traits, other Kats would still probably tell them apart relatively easily

Is there a lore explanation for design overhauls?

Not necessarily, unless you want to fit it in your canon. Surgeries, hormonal changes etc can do a lot, but they're not exactly an every day occurrence. So you can call it canon depending on how your story goes, but for the most part it's just one of the things to make the ARPG more accessible. For example, I don't even consider Bits truly canon They're just an ARPG helper

Do kats have very weird plastic surgery trends?

Probably lol. I'm not gonna make any up on the spot, but they probably also have regional things such as on Earth you could point out South Korea

Color change per official lore wouldn't help much in disguise, because it's not officially controllable.

I feel like a kat equivalent of a nicotine patch could make it controllable

That could be possible. I suppose it depends on the Kat and what kicks it off for them, since it tends to differ for all of them. Some Kats' glow and color-change is hyperactive, others get it rarely, some seem to have some level of control, others not at all

Someone asked me that once but I can't remember who.. anyway they can have glasses, tho by official lore they have good enough medical science that any eyesight issues can be fixed easily and cheaply. If they do have glasses, it could be for fashion, or for some reason they don't like being medically tampered with. or like Ando's Kat, it's eye protection I guess xD

Lore-wise, they're (sikeris) about half the size of a Katragoon, related to Crawlers through a very old evolution split, and have primal intelligence (perhaps a little higher than chimpanzee). With their claw-like fingers, they can learn basic sign language.

In the original story, only my Kat Neon accidentally got whisked to Earth due to a very specific accident caused by an newbie researcher. It wasn't even a malfunction, just a very dumb mistake lol.

Nie is definitely more utopical than Earth, but individual personalities are still just as diverse. There are still criminals around, the laws and society just make it difficult to strive. Also where on Earth people often go on a bad path due to bad living conditions, the living standards all across Nie are pretty high and well, so most Kats never come across a reason to become criminals. Doesn't mean they're not capable of it ;) Also, Nie's Order has much weaker reach on Earth, so there's a lot more possibilities for those who travel here.

#6 Katragoon - Droplet

Also, this peculiar looking tail is something I added to these creatures' worldbuilding long before I thought of making them into adoptable species. Long ago, before Katragoons had developed technology, there lived tribes of these leaf-tailed Katragoons in jungle riversides. They were really good swimmers, and the big tail functioned well both as a propeller and camouflage. The tail was commonly used to stay afloat on the water's surface by keeping it arched above their body with a bubble of air underneath it. The tail's natural color was always in greens and browns.
Today, the tribes are long extinct, and so was nearly the leaf tail gene, until gene modification technology helped bring it back to life. Of course, thanks to the technology, the leaf tail is no longer bound to only greens and browns.
Katragoons with such tails are often good in athletics, due to the strong muscles that can keep the spine arched for hours on end to stay afloat in the water.

#9 Katragoon - Pistachio Tabby

Katragoons don't have ears. The two protruding parts on their head are part of their skull and can not be moved. However, the two ends of the boomerang shape create a sensory field between them which detects sounds and their locations. Originally, Katragoons had horns never longer than the points of their skull, and their purpose was to keep any foreign objects, such as branches, from coming into the sensory field, for it disrupts some of the signal. But today, with gene alteration being easily available and in fashion, some parents make the rather impractical decision of giving their children horns that completely defeat their purpose. In other words, this Katragoon here is about 50% deaf.

#10 Katragoon - Dragon of the East

Glowing stones is another trait that only exists nowadays thanks to Katragoons' advanced gene technology. It did, however, exist in the prehistoric times in a single mountainous region, where it's believed the ancient Katragoons used their intense glow to give signals about threats or food over long distances, or to even scare off predators. Today's scientists have recreated this trait to some degree. Unfortunately, those who train can only achieve little control over their stones' glow. Instead, they usually spark up in response to certain chemical reactions in the Katragoons' bodies, such as strong emotions or adrenaline.

#12 Katragoon - Stargazer

Fun fact: Katragoons carrying weapons generally wear them to their stomach, for it is more protected than their sides.

#100 Katragoon - Fight or Flight

As you may already know, Katragoons' unique hand anatomy has them walking on the ball of their hand, with their fingers and thumb bent back and hidden in a pocket of skin, which sort of makes their fingers 'retractable'. The hand armor consists of a plate above their wrist, a band around their hand connected to a ring around their thumb (which is currently hidden) to keep it in place, and four finger plates equipped with claws, currently resting against the wrist plate. Even though the Kat is currently hiding its fingers, the fingertips are secured to the base of the plates via tiny finger-gloves they wear (also out of sight). So, when the Kat stretches its fingers out, the plates will come along, so they have these cool metal claws