StellarClan is a group of cats living on the base of a mountain. The forest surrounding the base is their territory, the camp being located in a cave system they found when relocating from their old home in a valley. The cave system is vast, and some of the tunnels have yet to be explored. The forest outside the cave is full of the usual prey, and the runoff water from the mountain supplies water in small streams and pools in and around the cave. In the winter, the cave is very chilly, so the cats have to gather lots of grass for extra installation. They also have to deal with rockslides in (April) warmer seasons, but thankfully most aren’t that big and they can clear up the mess in a couple days. The trees in the forest range from pines to oaks to cedars, etc. The pine trees are scattered around, and most of the trees are 30-40ft tall. The grass under the trees is shorter than the tall grass getting direct sunlight. The short grass makes it easier to see the prey but the prey can also see the cats easily as well. Rabbits aren’t common unlike mice, voles, and squirrels. Thrushes and other birds are also very common. The warmer seasons are rich with prey, while the colder seasons are a bit trickier. 

Inside the cave, there are different tunnels that lead to different places. Large divets in the cave wall can be used as dens, some having to move a bit further into the cave to gain more room. Some divets are bigger than others, and some even have little “rooms”. The dens are marked with different pigments using the berries/flowers outside the cave. (Crushed up by the med cat) The nursery (pink) is close to the medicine den (white). The nursery is covered the most during the winter to keep the kits and queens warm, making it the most comfortable den. The elders also share the nursery. The medicine den has nature made “shelves” to store herbs in. It’s got enough space for the med cat(s) and several patients. The warrior’s den (red) is farther in the cave, being a bit colder and damper, they often have to change the bedding more often, but it’s not the worst. The leader’s den (blue), is actually risen above the others. There is a small top “level” to the cave that the leader climbs up to to reach their den. 

They had to deal with badgers in the valley, but now they have larger predators to deal with. Mountain lions, foxes, and even bears tend to live in places like the camp. Luckily, no bears have gotten too close, usually walk around the cave to avoid all the cats, but they have had attacks from foxes before. Owls, hawks, eagles, and snakes are also predators nearby but are less common. 

The cats in the clan aren’t the best fishers, but sometimes resort to trying to catch the fish in the streams. As for berries, there are plenty by them, but they also attract the bears that hog most of them before winter.