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Razzmaw are sociable creatures. Some Razzmaw form extended family-like groups called 'Pods'. Within these pods Razzmaw help each other by collecting food and acting out in roles. These roles can be switched at any time. This journal is for Razzmaw who wish to become part of the Guarani Pod.

-Leader: Pani (Organises the roles, founder of the Guarani, head councillor)
-Food/Material gatherers: Rio (Gathers food/material underwater)
-Scouts Nile (Flies in the sky and keeps an eye on gatherers)
-Nurses: Mayline ,
Youngsters: Cubby ,

Sometimes a Razzmaw takes the leader position, but usually they behave like an extended family, relying on the experience of elder Razzmaws. Also Razzmaws don't have to keep the same role all their life, and can swap if they want, depending on their individual strengths.

You can read more about Pods and Razzmaws here: 

The Guarani Pod is located within a forest of Mangroves, within a hot/humid environment. These are the current main locations:

Mangrove Nests by RayFierying
The nests:Pod members usually sleep in the greenery or around the roots.

Mangrove Shallows by RayFierying
The Shallows: Pod members can splash and play in The Shallows. Baby Razzmaw can safely learn to swim here.

Mangrove river valley by RayFierying
River Valley: Razzmaw pod members can swim freely and find food here. Elders say it has a very 'romantic' atmosphere~

Mangrove Beach by RayFierying
The Beach: Razzmaw can find food underwater here such as hard shelled animals. They must be careful of predators as there is no forest cover here. Scouts and Guards would be required to protect the Food/Material Gatherers.

The Guarani currently has no enemies or rival pods.

The Guarani currently has no allies.

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