World of Asami

Common Sulfaesian Null. Colors, light designs and spear shapes change for every rank.

General Galaxy

The Sulfaesia Galaxy (Some call it the Asami Galaxy) contains a variety of different planets with the majority of them barely even big enough to be considered a planet. Inhabitants of the Sulfaesia Galaxy are known to travel between planets quickly and with ease. Many travel due to low resources, tragedies, competition, or even just as a hobby or a lifestyle.

The Main Areas: Sulfaesia's Core
This place is where Phorus was created, as they are a malfunctioned Sulfaesian Null.

Every planet in the galaxy has atleast one portal to the Center: some with more than others depending on how rich the planet is. A planet will always have a portal at its northern pole. These need currency to use, and are guarded by Sulfaesian Null.

The Main Areas: Planet Malachite
This planet is where Citrine and most mineral felids were born; their kind is native to this planet.

Planet Malachite is a place with many small towns scattered around the planet: a poor but powerful place due to the nature of the inhabitants. Stray foliage and life is very commonly seen growing around their wooden shelters.

The planet gets its name from its high abundance of Malachite, and therefore most Mineral Felidae end up with Malachite tool gems.

The Main Areas: Planet Cornea
This planet is where Crimson was born, as their kind is native to this planet.

Planet Cornea is a planet full of dry and rotting trees containing many abandoned nests and homes. A dreary gray sky and pale yellow grass encase the entire planet with few bright blue lakes as an exception. Only few native inhabitants remain on the planet.

The Main Areas: Planet Firefly
This planet is where Chiro was born, as their kind is native to this planet.

Planet Firefly, despite its name, is incredibly dark, and sometimes a side of the planet doesn't get any sun for months on end. It somehow seems to stay at a relatively warm temperature year-round. Firefly-like specs produced by mushrooms and flowers constantly flow throughout the planet.


There are many different species in this galaxy, and it would be hard to name them all, but here are a few main ones and what defines them as a species. small note: all of my species are open species and I would be more than happy to see anyone make their own characters!! Just message me and I'll add them to the world!

Mineral Felidae

Mineral Felids are bipedal cats with crystals embedded into their foreheads. From their parents, they are given a crystal or rock that they keep for themselves until they find a weapon or tool to attach it to. Mineral Felids have a wide range in looks, usually containing bright colors. (See more about Mineral Felids here.)


Telegruids are a rare species of bird native to Planet Cornea. Thanks to their vast knowledge and power, they were the ones who first discovered how to make portals to other worlds. Sadly, due to a high demand for transportation, many are being held in captivity or were even killed for their power. Despite their knowledge in magic, they are not the strongest physically and are unable to change that fact. (See more about Telegruids here.)

Luciferin Bat

Luciferin Bats are bats that live on Planet Firefly, and some of which work as technicians at Sulfaesia's Core. As their name suggests, they have markings and patterns on them that glow. Their planet is generally very dark, so this plus echolocation helps them find their way around.