Main Information

Information & Rules

Read about the lore, plot, and general basics plus the overall rules you are expected to follow in the group.
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Character Rosters & Applications

Apply to add your cat to the group (or rank!) here, and see who's got what rank in what Clan/location here without a hitch and digging through dozens of pages and folders.
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BreezeClan Camp

Tucked away in a thick tangle of brambles and briars BreezeClan camp is well guarded from all but the most determined foes. Cleared out and carefully padded over generations of use the main camp itself is cozy and inviting with the thorny protection never once coming into contact with the cats who live inside.
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Wild Grove

Old and overgrown fruit trees (among others) this might have once been an orchard though no cat knows. Often birds can be found here happy to snag a bite to eat from the scattering of cherry trees while mice and other small critters munch on things such as apples and pears below. It is ideal hunting for BreezeClan cats, though one must also be good at tree climbing and beware of the foxes and badgers of the area who also come to reap the benefits of the overgrown grove.
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Clover Meadow

While prey can be found here from time to time, the meadow is mostly used as training grounds for apprentices and a practice sparring location for more seasoned cats who simply wish to test their skills out on one another. It is a peaceful place that hums with the sounds of bees during the warmer seasons and days as they flit about from clover to clover.
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FogClan Camp

Located deep in the heart of FogClan territory, the Camp is often blanketed and hidden away by the thick fog that gives their Clan it's name. Dens are made from dense underbrush, hollowed out logs and the protective cave-like systems beneath old tree roots. Unless you are a native FogClan cat, born to navigate the mists that make up their home, finding it is nigh impossible.
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Deep Dark

Those who are not cautious and know the way of the deep forest that is all but perpetually blanketed in a dense fog will often become lost - if not worse - and it is strictly off limits to Apprentices and non-seasoned Warriors who have been taught the correct paths and can safely navigate it. It is a thick forest of evergreen trees where little light shines, though the strange abundance of mice and other small woodland critters makes it an ideal hunting ground for those who dare brave it.
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Twisted Stones

Near the edge of FogClan territory, closer to the Dilapidated Manor and Twolegplace lies an overgrown clearing filled with grass and flowers and faded stones with strange carvings and etchings done on their surface. Many are covered in moss and many still stand in strange angles with worn (but once jagged) edges. Some even are in strange shapes that no-cat can explain. While not the most ideal hunting ground, it is a decent place to train your young apprentice in the ways of combat and skills.
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Other Locations

Black Rocks

Located towards the back of both BreezeClan and FogClan's territories, on the other side away from the Twolegplace, Black Rock is a gathering of black stone smooth and glossy to the touch. (Cats have been known to cut their paws on some of the sharper, more brittle portions of the rock and it has become tradition and just common sense to stick to areas worn smooth by weather and the paws of many generations.) It is here that the Clans gather and meet once a moon to discuss issues at paw.
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Located deep below Black Rocks through a small cave opening discovered long ago, is Moontree. This brilliant old tree still flourishing with leaves and flowers during all seasons (even Leafbare!) and it is here that the Cats of the Clan come to share dreams with those from StarClan. The Moontree is partially crystallized and it glows under the moonlight and starlight that filter in through ways unseen.
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Daisy Chain Park

A small little Twoleg park located closer to boarder of the Twolegplace and the two Clans. Often a place that Kittypets and Loners go, though a brave Clan cat or two has been known to step paw in the gentle grassy fields of flowers...
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Located near the edge of the Twoleg place (on the other side from the Clans) the Fishmarket is a teeming location for easy food for a swift cat. While the majority of what is sold here is fish, there are other things to be found and the alleys and buildings around make for good hiding places for Loners and Kittypets to hang out, chat, and evade detection. The Rogues often come here to cause chaos and trouble with the more peaceful cats.
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Dilapidated Manor

An old overgrown stone building near the edge of FogClan's territory, bordering the Twolegplace. It is mostly untouched and forgotten by the Twolegs (beyond the occasional wandering soul) and it is here that the Rogues have set up their home and camp, using this as their base of operations, as it were.
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A place to just relax and talk about whatever you want here.
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Commissions & Sales

Selling a character? Offering commissions? Simply want to do free art or give away some characters you don't use? Yeah, that goes here.
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