The Wolves of Locus Falls is a free to join world where you are welcome to make your own werewolf characters for the mountain pack. There are no restrictions except that to make sure you're character isn't an unkillable god character and to make sure that your character is of a rank that is open. 

For more details, check out the ranks section and additional information section, and if you have any other questions feel free to message me.

Locus Falls is a small town hidden in the mountains with only 1000 residents. It is home to the Pack of The Mountain, a pack of werewolves who have lived in peace for generations undiscovered by humans. Overtime, they have learned to live hidden within the human civilisation, slowly moving from the mountains into houses and getting human jobs. 

In this new age, the mountain pack has lived without unnecessary violence and killings. However, there is a dark force approaching, destined to change the course of history. For the first time in hundreds of years, the ancestors have gone quiet. The pack are on their own without their guidance. The wolves are going to need to fight harder than ever to survive and remain hidden.