Welcome to Aldelis

Welcome to Aldelis. It is currently the Era of the Serpent.

Aldelis is separated into five regions: Gore, the land of the Emperor, also commonly known as the Vulture's Crown, which sits to the far North-West and takes up the entirety of the crown; Treokyrin, the cold region, commonly known as the Owl's Roost and formerly the Peacock's, which sits in the North-East and takes up the whole right wing and above; Athorea, the tamest of the five, covered in lush grass and hills, commonly known as the Bountiful Isles for its rich harvest and luscious land, takes up the beak and the isles to its right; Miria, the forested region, commonly known as the Wolf's Woods, takes up all but the first feather of the left wing, and all land to the above and under of that; and Riloris, the jungle and swamp region, known for its exotic locations and warm weather, commonly known as the Pirate's Coast thanks to its large population of pirates on the seas, which takes up the rest of the left wing and all remaining islands below and above.

The land is currently ruled by region. Regus is the Emperor of Aldelis and Corvus is the King of Aldelis, and they own all of the land and can overrule all policies and decisions, however they mostly keep their governing to Gore. Princess Clari rules over Athorea, Prince Soren rules over Treokyrin, Prince Canis (though more commonly called Lord Canis) rules over Miria, and Princess Erin (though more commonly called Lady Erin) rules over Riloris. Their precise governing ensures the wellbeing of all of Aldelis.


  • WANTED: AXEL SANGUIS Please inquire at your nearest tavern about the appearance of this criminal. Wanted alive for treason of the highest degree and other crimes listed on your nearest tavern's wanted poster. To be judged by the Emperor himself.
  • TRAVEL All regions except Riloris are currently open for holidays and travelling without border checks or quarantine! Riloran borders are currently being checked due to high populations of outlaws attempting to escape law enforcement, but unless you bear resemblence or are suspicious, you should be allowed to pass without issue.
  • AUDIENCES Please inquire at the royal buildings of each region for processes regarding private audiences and negotiations.

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